International Service Learning
International Service Learning
Peru Service Learning Trip, December 2015, with WGC and ECCLS.
, also co-founded by Sr. Dorothy Ettling, has been a significant partner mentoring the Ettling Center for Civic Leadership and Sustainability in developing international service learning. The mission of WGC is to promote the learning and leadership capacity of women locally and globally through innovative partnerships that support catalytic projects, in order to strengthen families and communities and work for transformative change.
Medical Mission in Mexico, September 2015.
Peru Business Service Trip with Women's Global Connection, Summer 2015
Solidarity and Immersion Trip to Tlapa, Mexico, to be with IW Missionaries (lay volunteers) among indigenous people and to learn in Mexico City, Spring Break 2004
Africa Trip information over the years with Women's Global Connection can be seen in the book Ettling, Dorothy H., Kevin B. Vichcales. Reach Out Africa: Studies in Community Empowerment, Sustainable Development, and Cross-Cultural Engagement. Bloomington, IN: Archway Publishing, 2013 or on the web at
Models for Service Learning
describes “Ways We Learn and Serve Abroad” and “Six Principles to Guide ISL” It is important to clearly define purposes of ISL, “To avoid the dangers of short-term service projects, both students and community partners must be aware of (and possibly included in identifying) program goals regarding service and learning outcomes. Service goals will be community-centered, identifying standards of community development, various community actors and short and long-term outcomes of service. Learning goals will generally be student-centered, identifying outcomes regarding academic objectives, worldview development and personal growth.”
include a semester abroad, an internship program in D.C., or a three or six-week summer experience. “Our well-known program – over three decades old – is one of the strongest cross-cultural study programs in the country. It is part of what makes EMU a Christian university like no other.”
There are also available.