Dr. Roberto Fajardo, School of Osteopathic Medicine
Lennon CJ, Birkeland AC, Nuñez JA, Su GH, Lanzano P, Guzman E, Celis K, Eisig SB, Hoffman D, Rendon MT, Ostos H. "Association of candidate genes with nonsyndromic clefts in Honduran and Colombian populations”. The Laryngoscope. 2012 Sep;122(9):2082-7
Dodhia S, Celis K, Aylward A, Cai Y, Fontana ME, Trespalacios A, Hoffman DC, Alfonso HO, Eisig SB, Su GH, Chung WK. 2017. "ACSS2 gene variant associated with cleft lip and palate in two independent Hispanic populations”. The Laryngoscope: 127(10):E336-9.
Dr. Maria Felix-Ortiz, Department of Psychology
Cervantes, R., & Félix-Ortiz, M. (2004). "Drug Use Among Chicanos, Mexican Americans, and Mexican Nationals.” R. J. Velazquez, L.A. Arellano, and B. McNeill (Eds.), Handbook of Chicana and Chicano Psychology. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Félix-Ortiz, M., Fernandez, A., & Newcomb, M.D. (1998). The role of intergenerational discrepancy of cultural orientation in drug use among Latina adolescents. Substance Use and Misuse, 33, 967-994.
Félix-Ortiz, M., Villatoro Velázquez, J.A., Medina Mora, M.E., & Newcomb, M.D. (2001). Drug use among Mexican and Mexican American adolescents: Environmental influences and individual characteristics. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 7, 27-46.
Dr. Teresa Harrison, H-E-B School of Business and Administration
Harrison, D., Harrison, T., & Shaffer, M. (2021). HRM challenges for immigrant employees: Status-laden transitions across cultures and workplace social environments. In M.R. Buckley, A.R. Wheeler, J.E. Bauer, & J.R.B. Halbesleben (Eds.), Research in Personnel and Human Resource Management, 39, 205-239. London: Elsevier.
Harrison, D.A., Harrison, T.L. & Shaffer, M.A. (2019). Strangers in strained lands: Learning from the workplace experiences of immigrant employees. Journal of Management, 45: 600-619.
Bazzy, J., Smith, A., & Harrison, T. (2019). The impact of abstract thinking on entrepreneurial intentions. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 25 (2), 323-337.
Harrison, T., & Stone, D. (2018). E-recruiting utilizing an organizational website: A cultural values approach to predict applicant reactions. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 33 (3), 311-324.
Harrison, T., & Bazzy, J. (2017). Aligning Organizational Culture and Strategic Human Resource Management. Journal of Management Development, 36 (10), 1260-1269.
Stone, D., Canedo Soto, J., Harrison, T., Lukaszewski, K., Krueger, D., Mark Suazo (2017). The relations between entrepreneurs' ethnicity, familism values, beliefs, and use of financial planning. The Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship, 28 (2), 50-81.
Stone, D. L., Harrison (Johnson), T., Canedo-Soto, J., Lukaszewski, K., & Montoya, L. (2011). Factors related to Hispanic business owners' knowledge and use of financial planning. Business Journal of Hispanic Research (5) , 118-119.
Dr. John Hooker, School of Mathematics, Science and Engineering
Hooker, J.N., Marrett, R., and Laubach, S.E. (2002). "Timing of faults and extension fractures in the Sierra Madre Oriental, northeastern Mexico”. Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions 52 , 421-428.
Hooker, J.N. (2004). "Fault timing in the Sierra Madre Oriental, northeastern Mexico." Master’s thesis, The University of Texas at Austin.
Hooker, J.N. (2009). "Fracture intensity in tectonically quiescent basins: What information can be derived from core samples?" Presentation at the Asosiacion Mexicana de Geologos Petroleros Simposio: Nuevas Tendencias en la Caracterizacion y Explotacion de Yacimientos Fracturados. Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico.
Hooker, J.N. 2009. "Argentina, Texas, and minute fractures". In Laubach, S.E. and Tinker, S.W., eds., Earth’s art: celebrating the Centennial of the Bureau of Economic Geology, 1909–2009: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, 106-107.
Hooker, J.N., Laubach, S.E., Kaylor, A., Eichhubl, P., and Fall, A. 2011. "Size, spacing, and opening history of natural fractures, preliminary results from El Alamar Formation, NE Mexico”. Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions 61, 233-243.
Iñigo, J.F., Laubach, S.E., and Hooker, J.N. 2012. "Fracture abundance and patterns in the Subandean fold and thrust belt, Devonian Huamampampa Formation petroleum reservoirs and outcrops, Argentina and Bolivia”. Marine and Petroleum Geology 35, 201-218. doi: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2012.01.010
Hooker, J.N., Laubach, S.E., and Marrett, R. 2013. "Fracture-aperture size—frequency, spatial distribution, and growth processes in strata-bounded and non-strata-bounded fractures, Cambrian Mesón Group, NW Argentina”. Journal of Structural Geology 54, (2013): 54-71.
Hooker, J.N., Larson, T.E., Eakin, A., Laubach, S.E., Eichhubl, P., Fall, A., and Marrett, R. 2015. "Fracturing and fluid-flow in a sub-décollement sandstone; or, a leak in the basement” . Journal of the Geological Society 172, 428-442. doi:10.1144/jgs2014-128
Ukar, E., Laubach, S.E., and Hooker, J.N. 2019. "Outcrops as guides to subsurface natural fractures: example from the Nikanassin Formation tight-gas sandstone, Grande Cache, Alberta Foothills, Canada”. Marine and Petroleum Geology 103, 255-275.
Dr. Yutaki Maki, Rosenberg School of Optometry
Maki, Y., Wingert, T. A., & Miller, W. L. 2019. "Humanitarian Mission as High Impact Practices in a Clinical Program”. Association of American Colleges and Universities, San Antonio, Texas.
Coates, R., Maki, Y., Krohn, D., Bellanger, R., & Forrest, M. 2017. "Community Engagement Through Eye Care Services in Peru with a Globally Focused Inter-Professional Team”. 不良研究所 Research Week, San Antonio, Texas.
Dr. José Moreno, H-E-B School of Business and Administration
Cervantes, M., Moreno, J. 2021. Chapter 9. "Money, Money, Money – Innovating Access to Credit. Innovating for the Middle of the Pyramid in Emerging Countries”. Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 9781108480192
Moreno, J.F., 2018. "Containers: Vitro and Envases Universales. Mexican Multinationals: How to Build Multinationals in Emerging Markets Edited by Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra and Miguel A. Montoya”. Cambridge University Press . ISBN: 9781108480611
Moreno J.F., Torres L.E., Jackson S.C. 2015. "The Study-Abroad Experience in Enhancing Cross-Cultural Tolerance and Communication”. In: Taras V., Gonzalez-Perez M.A. (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Experiential Learning in International Business. Palgrave Macmillan, London.
Jackson S.C., Torres L.E., Moreno J.F. 2015. "The Cross-Border Forum: Learning about International Business through Experience”. In: Taras V., Gonzalez-Perez M.A. (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Experiential Learning in International Business. Palgrave Macmillan, London.
Moreno, J.F, Guiry, M. 2014. "The relationship between Income Level and Medical Tourism Service Quality Expectations”. International Journal of Services, Economics and Management , Vol. 6(4), p. 263-281.
Rubio, A., Rubio, A., Moreno, J.F. 2022. Factors Associated with Financial Ratios and Financial Well-Being of Hispanic Households: A Comparison with White Households. Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, Volume 33(1), p. 126-139.
Dr. Zazil Reyes, School of Media and Design
Claudia, Evans-Zepeda and Zazil Reyes García. "Contested Citizenship: The Representation of Latinx Immigration Narratives in Jane the Virgin and One Day at a Time.” Immigrant Generations, Media Representations and Audiences. Edited by Omotayo, Banjo. Springer, forthcoming.
Reyes García, Zazil and Bowen, Diana. 2021. "Podcasting Latinidad as a Crónica Rhetorical Narrative in Stories, Music, and Entrevistas”. Western Journal of Communication. Accessed 28 June 2021.
Reyes García, Zazil. 2019. "Visions of the Border in Mexican Political Cartoons.” Latina/o Communication Studies: Theories, Methods, and Practice, edited by Diana Bowen, Leandra Hernández, Amanda Martinez, and Sarah Upton, S. Lexington Press, pp. 185-207.
Dr. Scott Roberts, H-E-B School of Business and Administration
Ruiz, Rock and Scott D. Roberts. 2013. "Retailing Food and Comfort: Satisfying First Generation Mexican Immigrant Grocery Consumers,” in Proceedings of the International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines .
Roberts, S. D., Anderson, J. S., & Williams, S. 2006. "Brake Lights at the Border: Going International Twenty-Two Miles Away”. The CASE Journal, 2, 8-24.
Roberts, S. D., Reed, R., & Valenzuela, L. 2002. Mexican Immigrant-Consumers: American Dreams and Reality.
Roberts, S. D., & Hart, H. S. 1997.” A Comparison of Cultural Value Orientations as Reflected by Advertisements Directed at the General U.S. Market, the U.S. Hispanic Market, and the Mexican Market”. Hawaii International Conference on Business. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 5, 91-99.
Roberts, S.D., & Phi-Perez, P. 1999. "Mexican Consumers on the Border: Profesionistas y Jornaleros (Professionals and Day-Laborers)”. Advances in Marketing: Proceedings of the Southwest Marketing Association.
Green, C. W., & Roberts, S. D. 1998. "Comparing the Language of Free Trade: The Case of NAFTA. Business Growth and Development in Latin America: Issues, Challenges and Opportunities in the 21st Century”.
Roberts, S. D. 1998. Negocios and Culture Clash on the Border: Tijuana's Avenida Revolución Tourist Zone. Proceedings of Marketing Theory and Practice Conference.
Roberts, S. D., & Hart, H. S. 1996. México in Transition: Implications for Cultural Values and Modern Behavior. BALAS Proceedings.
Roberts, S. D., & Hart, H. S. 1995. "A Comparison of Cultural Value Orientations as Reflected by Advertisements Directed at the General U.S. Market, the U.S. Hispanic Market, and the Mexican Market”. AMA Educators' Proceedings , 153-154.
Dr. Alberto Rubio, H-E-B School of Business and Administration
Soydemir, G., Verma, R., Moreno, J.F. 2007. "Asymmetry in the Market Price of Risk: Evidence from Latin America”. Banking and Capital Markets: New International Perspectives, (ed. Harold Black & Edward Kane), World Scientific Press, June 2010.
Rubio, A., Rubio, A., & Moreno, F. 2022. Ratio Analysis of Hispanic Households: a Comparison with White Households. Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning. Forthcoming.
Rubio, A., & Rubio, A. (2019). Cultural Influences on Savings Behavior. The International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines Proceedings. Athens, Greece.
Bediako, K., & Rubio-Sanchez, A. 2017. "Entrepreneurship in the Developed and Developing Economies”. In M. Amutabi (Ed.), Rethinking Development Paradigms in Africa (24-32). Nairobi, Kenya : Center for Democracy Research and Development.
Rubio-Sanchez, A. & De los Santos, E. (2014). Fair Trade Branding as a tool for the Marketing of Developing Society Crafts. Southwest Decision Sciences Institute Conference Proceedings. Dallas, Texas.
Rubio-Sanchez, A., Bosco, S., & Melchar, D. 2012. "Servant Leadrship and World Values”. Global Studies Journal, 5 (3), 19-33.
Rubio-Sanchez, A., Rodriguez-Flores, A. & Bosco, S. 2012. "Is the Time Right for Servant Leadership in Latin America?” Global Studies Journal, 4(3), 166-183.
Rubio-Sanchez, A. & Rodriguez-Flores, A. 2011. "Is the Time Right for Servant Leadership in Latin America?” Fourth Annual Global Studies Conference Proceedings. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Rubio-Sanchez, A., Pico, A., & Comer, L. B. 2010. Salespeople’s Communication Competence: A Study of the Mexican Market. Journal of Business and Economic Studies , 16(1), 1-19.
Rubio-Sanchez, A. 2010. Shopping Dimensions: A Case for Social Value. Proceedings of the North East Decision Sciences Institute Annual Conference, Washington, DC.
Rubio-Sanchez, A. & Comer, L. B. 2008. Development of a Cultural Dimensions Scale in a Consumer Setting, Proceedings of the AMS Cultural Perspectives in Marketing Conference. 2008, Bi-Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Rubio-Sanchez, A. 2008. Globalization: A Consumer Behavior Perspective, Proceedings of the North East Decision Science Institute Annual Conference, New York, NY.
Comer, L. B., Nicholls, J. F., Rubio-Sanchez, A. & Pico, A. 2005. "The Impact of Observable Similarity on Salespeople’s Expectations about the Cross-Cultural Sales Interaction”, Proceedings of the National Conference in Sales Management Annual Conference. Miami, FL.
Rubio-Sanchez, A., Pico, A., & Comer, L. B. 2004. "Culturally Related beliefs about Communication Competence in the Personal Selling Interaction”, Proceedings of the National Conference in Sales Management Annual Conference. Reno, NV.
Rubio-Sanchez, A., & Comer, L. B. Article. 2001. "The Impact of Acculturation on Hispanic Grocery Shopping” , Proceedings of the Business Association for Latin American Studies Annual Conference. San Diego, CA.
Rubio, A., Rubio, A., Moreno, J.F. 2022. Factors Associated with Financial Ratios and Financial Well-Being of Hispanic Households: A Comparison with White Households. Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, Volume 33(1), p. 126-139.
Dr. Roberto Saldivar, H-E-B School of Business and Administration
Zolfagharian, Mohammadali,Roberto Saldivar, and Jerome Williams. 2019. "Owned Byand Made InCues: Cognitive and Affective Dimensions of Country of Origin Effect in Immigrant Markets.” International Marketing Review 47, no.1:29-55
Zolfagharian, Mohammadali, Roberto Saldivar,andJakob Braun. 2017. "Country of Origin and Ethnocentrism in the Context of Lateral, Upward and Downward Migration.” International Marketing Review 34, no. 2:330-352.
Zolfagharian, Mohammadali, Roberto Saldivar, andQin Sun. 2014. "Ethnocentrism and Country of Origin Effects Among Immigrant Consumers.” Journal of Consumer Marketing 31, no. 1:68-84.
Dr. Gabriel Saxton-Ruiz, Department of Modern Languages
Saxton-Ruiz, G. , La narrativa de Jorge Eduardo Benavides. Textos críticos. Lima: Editorial Universitaria Ricardo Palma, 2018. (Co-edited with César Ferreira.)
Saxton-Ruiz, G. , Forasteros en tierra extraña.Lima: Editorial Universitaria Ricardo Palma, 2012.
Saxton-Ruiz, G. , "Humorismo social en las obras de Rodolfo Santana.” Conjunto: Revista de teatro latinoamericano, Havana: Casa de las Américas, Vol. 169, October 2013: 38 – 46.
Saxton-Ruiz, G. , "El sentimiento de lo fantástico en La noche de Morganade Jorge Eduardo Benavides.” Actas del Coloquio Internacional: Fines del mundo. Narrativas fantásticas en Hispanoamérica . Lima: El Lamparero Alucinado Ediciones , September 2013: 173 – 183.
Saxton-Ruiz, G. , "The Final Judgement.” Spanish-English translation of Oswaldo Estrada’s story "El juicio final.” Stories from Peru, May 2020.
Saxton-Ruiz, G. , "Child’s Play.” Spanish-English translation of Jorge Eduardo Benavides’ story "Cosas de niños.” Bloomington, IN: Revista Hiedra 8, September 2017: 86 – 91.
Saxton-Ruiz, G. , "The Man in the Mirror.” Spanish-English translation of Alexis Iparraguirre’s "El hombre en el espejo.” Palabras Errantes, November 2016.
Saxton-Ruiz, G. , "Curfew…” Spanish-English translation of Rocío Tábora’s short story "Toque de queda…” Words without Borders: The Online Magazine for International Literature, April 2016.
Saxton-Ruiz, G. , "Conga: Life and Death in the Age of Extractivism.” Spanish-English translation of Jesús Cossio’s comic vignette "Conga: Vida y muerte en tiempos del extractivismo.” Bloomington, IN: Revista Hiedra 4, May 2015: 47 – 50.
Saxton-Ruiz, G. , "Those Waves.” Spanish-English translation of Claudia Salazar’s short story "Aquellas olas.” Stories from Peru, March 2015.
Saxton-Ruiz, G. , "Contreras’s Dream.” Spanish-English translation of Jorge Baradit’s short story "El sueño de Contreras.” Words without Borders: TheOnline Magazine for International Literature, January 2015.
Saxton-Ruiz, G. , "Distinguishing Marks: None.” Spanish-English translation of Jorge Eduardo Benavides’ short story "Señas particulares, ninguna.” Wordswithout Borders: The Online Magazine for International Literature, January 2015.
Saxton-Ruiz, G. , "The Dog Walker.” Spanish-English translation of excerpts from novel Paseador de perros by Sergio Galarza. Bloomington, IN: Revista Hiedra 3, November 2014: 30 – 34.
Saxton-Ruiz, G. , "A Shining Path of Blood: Massacres and a Monologue.” Spanish-English translation of a chapter of Jesús Cossio’s graphic novel Barbarie–Cómics sobre violencia política en el Perú, 1985 – 1990, Words without Borders: The Online Magazine for International Literature, February2013.
Saxton-Ruiz, G. , Defiled Woman.” Spanish English translation of Washington Cucurto’s story "Dama tocada.” Words without Borders: The Online Magazinefor International Literature, December 2012.
Saxton-Ruiz, G. , "Symphonies of Literary Violence: A Conversation with Pedro Novoa.” Latin American Literature Today, October 2017.
Saxton-Ruiz, G. , "Alternate Pasts: An Introduction to International Uchronia.” Word without Borders The Online Magazine for International Literature, January 2015.
Saxton-Ruiz, G. , "Jesús Cossio’s Barbarism: The Graphic Novel as Testimony.” Dispatches Blog Post. Words without Borders: The Online Magazine for International Literature, February 2013.
Saxton-Ruiz, G. , "Interview with Jesús Cossio.” Words without Borders: The Online Magazine for International Literature, April 2013.
Dr. Tim Wingert, Rosenberg School of Optometry
Wingert TA. 1994. "Prevalence of Refractive Errors on a VOSH Mission to Nicaragua” Journal of the American Optometric Association, Volume 65, p 129-32.(R)
McAlister WH, Weaver JL, and Wingert TA. 2017.” Educator’s Podium: Humanitarian Missions as an Adjunct to Education,” Optometric Education, Volume 43, Number 1, .
Dr. Jeannette Wong-Powell, Rosenberg School of Optometry
Wong-Powell, Jeannette. "Guía Práctica para el Manejo de Glaucoma." Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina. October 29, 2020. Webinar.
Wong-Powell, Jeannette; Miller, William & Alarcon Fortepiani, Maria L. 2020. "An Effective Model for Fighting Cataract-derived Blindness in Yucatan, Mexico.” American Academy of Optometry Virtual Learning Livecast. American Optometric Association. June 24-27, 2020. Poster presentation.
Dr. David Vequist, H-E-B School of Business and Administration
Vequist, D.G. 2021. "The Continuum of Care in Cross Border Health Travel: Implications for Medical Tourism Standards,” Journal of Healthcare Management Standards (In Press, 2021).
Vequist, David. 2021. La Reforma. By Arely Sánchez and Azucena Vásquez
Vequist, David. Al Dia Dallas. By Imelda Garcia. Dallas Morning News, May 12, 2021:
Vequist, David. New York Times. By Ceylan Yeginsu. NYT, January 19, 2021:
Vequist, D. G. Medical Tourism - Minimum Clinical Standards. ISO TECHNICAL COMMITTEE 304 - HEALTHCARE ORGANIZATION MANAGEMENT (2020).
Vequist, D. G., Stackpole, I. "Colombia ProExport White Paper: Attracting Americans for Colombian Medical Tourism Facilities”. Colombia ProExport (2015).
Guiry, M., Scott, J., & Vequist IV, D. G. 2013. "Experienced and Potential Medical Tourists' Service Quality Expectations”. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance (2013): 26 (5). doi: 10.1108/IJHCQA-05-2011-0034.
Vequist, D. G., McCallum, B., & Guiry, M. U.N. White Paper: The United States' Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) Impact on Medical Tourism in Latin America and the Caribbean. United Nations: ECLAC/CEPAL (2012).