Internal Award History

Faculty Development Award (1881)

2019-2023 Summary
# Projects # Unique Awardees Total Awarded
5 5 $14,812

1881 Awards

2019-2023 Faculty Development Awards
Year Awardee Project Title Award
2023 Hooker, John Accelerating mineral CO2 sequestration at 不良研究所 $3,000
2022 LoCurto, John Medical-Legal Partnership - Phase I $2,812
2021 Miele, Benjamin C. Towards a Zero-Waste University: Expanding 不良研究所’s Compost Initiative $3,000
2020 Fajardo, Roberto What is the Role of Collagen Cross-Linking and AGEs in Total Knee Replacement Post-Operative Complications? $3,000
2019 Armstrong, David Dear Amazon: Stories $3,000

Faculty Endowment Research Award (FERA)

2021-2023 Summary
# Projects # Unique Awardees Total Awarded
38 30 $175,654

2023 (14 projects, $76,177 *)

2022-2023 Faculty Endowment Research Awards; * Additional Provost Funds
Awardee Project Title Award
Adams, Melinda Student Engagement in Internship Opportunities $265
Adrian, Rafael Copper complexes with N-donor ancillary ligands as an alternative to platinum-based chemotherapy. $6,228
Armstrong, David Dress Your Groundhog Like the Lone Ranger $1,248
Carvalho, Paulo Synthesis of 2,4-diamino derivatives with antileishmanial activity $8,000
D'Amico, LuElla Editing Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Children’s Writing for Oxford University Press’s The Collected Works of Harriet Beecher Stowe $2,350
De La Torre Parra, Gonzalo An interpretable IDS based on shadowed network data analysis for detecting APT attacks $8,000
Fajardo, Roberto Addressing Inequities in Osteoarthritis Treatment $8,000
Frye, Michael Collaborative Teaming of Human and Robotic Systems $7,997
Iqbal, Shoaib  Nanocarrier-based approaches for the mechanistic understanding of drug and gene therapeutics $7,905
Lockard, Brittanie Athlete Whey Protein Sensitivity: Prevalence and Performance $7,965
Luna, Sarah Comparing Burnout and Grit Levels in Doctor of Physical Therapy Students Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic $963
Martinez-Acosta, Veronica Genetic Mechanisms and Cellular Signaling of a Successful Regenerating Model System $7,396
Partridge, Teresa Parent Shaming and Social Media $3,000
Pierce, Christopher  Efficacy of novel Hsp90 inhibitors in the Galleria mellonella larvae model of disseminated candidiasis $6,862

2022 (15 projects, $60,372)

2021-2022 Faculty Endowment Research Awards
Awardee Project Title Award
Adrian, Rafael Synthesis and In Vitro Evaluation of Copper(II) Complexes Containing 1,10-Phenanthroline. $2,722
Burleson, Marieke Natural compounds as a novel treatment for SPOP downregulated breast cancer $5,000
Caglayan, Okan Design and Development of An Optical Sensing System in the Near-Ultraviolet (UV) Spectrum to Detect Environmental Surface Contamination $5,000
Driskill, Trish The Inauguration of Critical Audit Matters (CAM): Transparency or Liability? An Evaluation of Costs and Benefits from an Investor Perspective $3,000
Frye, Michael Digital Twin Technology Using Deep Learning for Power grid maintenance $5,000
Herjanto, Halimin The Effect of Knowledge Management on Salesperson Performance. $550
Khanal, Ashok  Stepwise Monolayer Chemical Synthesis on Mica Surface and Characterize by Frontier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) $5,000
Leverett, Betsy Elucidating a Mechanism of Action (MOA) for Cytotoxic Metal Complexes Containing an Isonicotinamide Ligand $5,000
Martinez-Acosta, Veronica Genetic Mechanisms and Cellular Signaling of a Successful Regenerating Model System $5,000
Metz, Ken Virtual Opera Complex $7,000
Partridge, Teresa Individual differences in attractiveness face processing: Selective attention and valence associations $800
Rodriguez, Erlinda Elementary E.A.T.S.S. Building A Garden-Based Curriculum $2,300
Salfen, Kevin Phoenix Fire Reborn $4,000
Singh, Neeta Soy Nugget: A Value-added Food Product Development as a Measure of Improving Malnutrition and Expanding Bukoba Women’s Empowerment Association (BUWEA) Microenterprise, Bukoba, Kegera Region, Republic of Tanzania $5,000
Starkey, David Examining Arthropod Health: Is Wolbachia in San Antonio? $5,000

2021 (9 projects, $39,105)

2020-2021 Faculty Endowment Research Awards
Awardee Project Title Award
Burleson, Marieke Natural compounds as a novel treatment for SPOP downregulated breast cancer $5,999
Frazier, Heather Burnout and Quality of Life Among Program Directors in ACEND-Accredited Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Programs $1,430
Frye, Michael Human-Centered Reinforcement Learning through a Virtual Reality system for Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) platform $5,341
Leverett, Betsy Augmentation of Bacillus-based Biocontrol with Microalgal Amendment Formulations $4,000
Lockard, Brittanie A Pilot Study: The relationship between suspected inflammation-provoking foods on overall body inflammation before and after a targeted elimination diet. $5,985
Martinez-Acosta, Veronica Photoreception in Lumbriculus variegatus, an aquatic annelid $6,000
Penn, Jennifer Rehabilitation Patterns and Clinician Preparedness when Treating Patients with Parkinson’s Disease in Rural Clinical Practice $3,710
Ramirez, Monica Alignment of Nurse Leader Strategies and the Multi-generational, Multi-Ethnic Workforce’s Expectations of Leadership to Improve Patient Outcomes and Achieve Nursing Excellence. $735
Weis, Karen Effects of Pregnancy-Specific Chronic Anxiety on Placental Inflammatory and Oxidative Stress Response and Birth Outcomes $5,905
2016-2020 Summary
# Projects # Unique Awardees Total Awarded
83 59 $194,900

2020 (13 projects, $46,812)

2019-2020 Faculty Endowment Research Awards
Awardee Project Title Award
Armstrong, David Threshold (Five Screenplays; Show Bible; Treatments) $2,289
Burleson, Marieke Natural compound screen for treatment of advanced prostate cancer $5,974
D'Amico, LuElla Transatlantic Girlhood in Nineteenth-Century Literature $2,250
Dols, Jean Implementing an Evidence-Based Protocol to Identify, Intervene, & Refer Human Trafficking Victims in South Texas Emergency Departments: Nurse & Provider Experience & Perceptions $4,736
Ford, Bridget Mechanisms of kidney cell injury in diabetic kidney disease $5,878
Frye, Michael Deep Learning Algorithm Deployment on UAS Platforms $2,781
Lopez-Rodriguez, Erlinda Dietary Intervention for Elementary Students $2,311
Martinez-Acosta, Veronica Providing access to STEM research and professional development opportunities that promote student success. $3,000
McBurnett, Brian Cultural Chemistry: Geopolymer Science Applied to South American Archeology $3,000
Metz, Ken SA 24-Poets, Composers, Performers $2,250
Pierce, Christopher  Overcoming Candida albicans Drug Resistant Biofilms with Hsp90 inhibitors $5,978
Rinderknecht, Jakob Introducing and Commenting on Karl Rahner's Vorfragen $2,725
Salfen, Kevin William Plomer, James Bond, and an Evensong at Ripon Cathedral $3,640

2019 (15 projects, $47,510)

2018-2019 Faculty Research Endowment Awards
Awardee Project Title Award
Ambrose, Adrienne Appealing to the “Movie Mind:”  American Catholicism in the Age of Spectacle, 1920-1940 $1,000
David, Ann The Writing Lives of Teens $900
Dols, Jean Impact of Establishing a Protocol to Identify, Assess, Intervene, & Refer Human Trafficking Victims in San Antonio Region Emergency Centers $3,988
Ford, Bridget Mechanisms of kidney cell injury in diabetic kidney disease $5,929
Frye, Michael Deep Learning Algorithm Development and Deployment $2,024
Guzman Foster, Sandra Empowering Student Voice: Improving Effective Communication with VoiceThread! $1,095
Metz, Ken Made in SA: Art Song as Community Engagement $3,000
Mulvey, Gerald Studying the Structural Behavior of Modern Stabilized Adobe $1,795
Nath, Lopita A New Democracy, an Old Monarchy and Gross National Happiness in Bhutan: A Holistic Approach to Sustainable Development $4,600
Petersen, Evan The Use of Real-Time Feedback to Improve Learning of Joint Mobilization Techniques for Entry-Level Doctor of Physical Therapy Students $4,980
Pierce, Christopher  Overcoming Candida albicans Drug Resistant biofilms with Hsp90 inhibitors $5,600
Rinderknecht, Jakob Imaging the "Voraus" of Christ: Gender, Deacons and the Church $900
Singh, Neeta Impact of Soy Enriched Supplementation on linear Growth and Health Markers of BUWEA Daycare Children, Bukoba, Republic of Tanzania. $1,000
Starkey, David Genetic, Morphological, and Habitat Analysis of Red-eared Sliders in Texas $6,000
Vallor, Ana Characterization of Antimicrobial Producers and their Biologically Active Products Isolated from South Texas Soil Samples $4,700

2018 (15 projects, $26,659)

2017-2018 Faculty Research Endowment Awards
Awardee Project Title Award
Acosta, Veronica Protein Profile of a Regenerating Model System $2,834
Alsandor, Danielle Charting Challenges: How Student Affairs Educators Perceive Issues Affecting Underrepresented College Students at a Hispanic Serving Institution in the Southwest $996
Ande, Srerdevi A Study of Particle Recognition in Scanning Electron Microscopy images using MATLAB $1,275
Armstrong, David Eidolon: A Novel $2,351
Bains, Mona The Impact of Interactive Anatomy Learning Resources on Student Perceptions of Learning and Engagement and Course Outcome in a Problem-Based Learning Program $1,200
Carvalho, Paulo Synthesis of 7-Hydroxyartemisinin derivatives with antimalarial and antiparasitic activities $2,967
D'Amico, LuElla “Fallen Angels, or the ‘Other’ Republican Mothers: Adolescent Pregnancy in Nineteenth-Century American Literature $1,890
Dols, Jean Nursing Turnover in the First 5 years of Hospital Employment $1,230
Driskill, Trish An Investigation of the Ethical Reasoning Skills of Accountants and Career Experiences $1,500
Frye, Michael Machine and Reinforcement Learning Applied to the Qbot2 $1,250
Metz, Kenneth Made in SA: Art Song as Community Engagement $1,150
Miele, Benjamin A Vexed Poetics: Surveillance, Eroticism, and Morality from Spenser to Milton $500
Munoz, Laura 40 Years of History of School of Nursing 1976-2016 $1,800
Nair, Sreerenjini Multidisciplinary Robotics Research Using HD2 Haptic Devices $2,300
Singh, Neeta Effect of Soy-Enriched Supplementation on Objective Health Markers, Subjective Health Markers, and Educational Outcomes of Selected Pre-School Children in Bukoba, Kagera Region, Republic of Tanzania $3,416

2017 (20 projects, $33,396)

2016-2017 Faculty Endowment Research Awards
Awardee Project Title Award
Acosta, Veronica Development of an in-situ hybridization and QPCR protocols for enhanced detection of gene expression in Lumbriculus variegates, a regenerating model system $1,265
Adams, Melinda Weaving a collection in 1/2 scale $1,000
Adrian, Rafael Synthesis and In Vitro Evaluation of Palladium, Platinum, and Copper Complexes Containing an Isonicotinamide Ligand $2,000
Boswell, Stephanie Academic Entitlement as a Mindset $2,000
Caglayan, Okan Computer Automated Biometric Analytics for Body-Worn Cameras $750
Cardenas, Rosa Comparison of SAES St 172 and SAES ST 175 Hydrogen and Methane Gettering Rates $1,000
David, Ann Texts in the gym, on the field and course, and in the weight room: Literacy Practices of future PE teachers
Dittloff, Scott Intercultural Tolerance and Understanding $2,200
Dols, Jean Burden of Disease $2,500
Frye, Michael Application of Machine Learning to Autonomous Task Allocation $3,000
Heiss, Cynthia Effect of fiber or protein + fat supplementation on the glycemic effect of a high carbohydrate breakfast $2,099
Leverett, Betsy  Quorum Quenching in Unicellular Algae $1,100
Nair, Sreerenjini Control of a Swarm of Robots Using PSO Technique $2,700
Partridge, Teresa Neural Correlates of Social Evaluation $900
Salfen, Kevin Britten and his Librettists, Phase 2 $1,000
Sanchez-Diaz, Patricia Ubiquitin Carboxyl-Terminal Hydrolase-L1 (UCHL1) as a potential mediator of exosome signaling and glioblastoma CSC function $2,850
Singh, Neeta Effect of Soy-Enriched Supplementation on Objective Health Markers, Subjective Health Markers, and Educational Outcomes of Selected Pre-School Children in Bukoba, Kagera Region, Republic of Tanzania $3,000
Skukauskaite, Audra Research Teaching and Learning in Lithuania $132
Starkey, David Preliminary Evaluation into the Genetic Diversity of Pillbug (Armadillidium vulgare) on the campus of the 不良研究所 $2,767
Stringham, Mark Albanian Theatre $1,000

2016 (20 projects, $40,523)

2015-2016 Faculty Endowment Research Awards
Awardee Project Title Award
Ambrose, Adrienne Epic Catholicism: The 29th International Eucharistic Congress and the Coming of Age of an American Religion $1,400
Boswell, Stefanie Effect of informal online and formal student evaluations of Teaching on Professors' occupational commitment and Withdrawal $300
Coker, Adeola Effect of Glucose, Sodium Choloride, and Apple Cider Vinegar Concentrations on Glycation and Aggregation of Bovine Serum Albumin $3,000
David, Ann Texts in the gym, on the field and court, and in the weight room: Literacy practices of future PE teachers $270
Dols, Jean Quandaries for Nursing Scholars: The Nursing Capstone Project $850
Fike, David Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the "Societal Outreach Subscale" $1,200
Fortepiani, Lourdes Differential central nociceptin receptor expression in salt-sensitive hypertension $2,700
Frye, Michael Model Predictive Control for the Path Planning of an Autonomous Ground Vehicle $3,000
Gonzalez, Jaime Effects of Long-term Prophylactic Use of a Lace-up Ankle Brace with Straps on Ankle Muscle Strength, Single Leg Balance, and Power $3,000
Heiss, Cynthia Effect of a short bout of postprandial exercise on the glycemic effect of a candy bar $2,500
Leverett, Betsy Quorum Communication in Unicellular Algae $3,000
Nair, Sreerenjini Swarm Intelligence and Biological Robots $1,020
Nath, Lopita Is This My Shangri-La: Bhutanese Refugee Resettlement in The United States $2,550
Partridge, Teresa Neural Correlates of Social Evaluation $3,000
Piper, Doshie The Nehemiah Project: Relationship Building in Faith, Criminal Justice, and Community Corrections $1,770
Rodriguez de Rubio, Alicia Generation Xers: Will they be Ready for Retirement? $895
Skukauskaite, Audrone Doctoral Student Experiences and Learning of Research $2,440
Weis, Karen Editing and Translation of Mentors Offering Maternal Support (M.O.M.S.) Program Documents for Spanish Speaking Populations $3,000
Wagner, Amy The Impact of Breastfeeding Position-Related Musculoskeletal Pain (BPRMSP) on Quality of Life in Postpartum Women $1,785
Vallor, Ana Molecular Characterization of Antibiotic-Resistant Microbial Isolates Obtained at a Local Eye Clinic by RAPD-PCR $2,843
2011-2015 Summary
# Projects # Unique Awardees Total Awarded
54 47 $119,630

2015 (15 projects, $30,134)

2014-2015 Faculty Endowment Research Awards
Awardee Project Title Award
Boswell, Stefanie The impact of informal online and formal student evaluations of teaching on students’ and professors’ perceptions and expectations $434
Cardenas, Rosa Gettering of Hydrogen and Methane from a Helium Gas Mixture $2,600
Coker, Adeola Effect of Glucose, Sodium Chloride, and Ascorbic Acid Concentrations on Glycation of Bovine Serum Albumin $3,000
Denton, Jason Effectiveness of Cultural Competency Classroom and Experiential Learning in DPT and Athletic Training Programs $2,976
Fortepiani, Lourdes Role of dopamine in neuronal dysfunction in diabetic retinopathy $1,700
Frye, Michael Direct Inverse Learning Control using an Artificial Neural Network for the Autonomous Hover of a Helicopter $1,900
Gilliland, Irene Building a Safer Health Care Delivery System:  The Doctor of Nursing Practice Program $1,247
Mickles, Chandra The Effect of Tear Supplements on Contact Lens Comfort $2,413
Salfen, Kevin Britten and His Librettists (monograph), Chapters 2, 4 $2,995
Stampfl, Tanja Arab Cities as Motherlands: Constantine, Beirut, and Baghdad $1,000
Vallor, Ana Molecular Characterization of Antibiotic-Resistant Microbial Isolates Obtained at a Local Eye Clinic by RAPD-PCR $2,843
Wagner, Amy The Impact of Breastfeeding Position-Related Musculoskeletal Pain (BPRMSP) on Quality of Life in Postpartum Women $1,785
Waldhelm, Andy Relationships between Golf Driving Mechanics and Performance and Core Stability $2,240
Whittemore, Alison Solar power in rural Peru: A feasibility study for reducing the use of polluting bio-fuels $3,000

2014 (12 projects, $31,284)

2013-2014 Faculty Endowment Research Awards
Awardee Project Title Award
Fike, Renea The Effect of an Intervention to Improve Teacher Certification Rates: A Randomized Multi-Phase Study $3,000
Grillo, Adeola Characterizing the Correlations Between Protein Conformation and Stability Using Multivariate Experimental Design $3,000
Guiry, Michael Medical Tourism Destination Personality: A Study of Thailand, Singapore, and Malaysia $3,000
Kirk, Martha Ann The Life and Creations of Carla De Sola, Sacred Dancer, Choreographer, Author, and Teacher $3,000
MacKinnon, Christy Optimization of Collection, Storage, and Genomic DNA Isolation from Zebra Mussels (Dreissena Polymorpha) for Use in RAD-Seq Genetic Marker Discovery $1,300
Perry, John The Roots of Adolf Hitler's Life $700
Sanchez-Diaz, Patricia Ubiquitin Carboxyl-Terminal Hydrolase-L1 Expression in Retinoblastoma $2,992
Skukauskaite, Audrone Learning Research in Doctoral Education $3,000
Stampfl, Tanja Twentieth-Century Crossroads: Literary Encounters between Arabs, Americans, and Europeans in Arab North Africa $2,292
Partridge, Teresa Neural Correlates of Social Evaluation $3,000
Vallor, Ana Molecular Characterization of Antibiotic Resistance Isolates Obtained from an Optical Clinic Serving Economically Disadvantaged and Transient Populations $3,000
Zhang, Shishu The Effect of Religion on Elders' Health Status and Financial Situations $3,000

2013 (12 projects, $30,842)

2012-2013 Faculty Endowment Research Awards
Awardee Project Title Award
Acosta, Veronica Neural plasticity during regeneration in the California blackworm Lumbriculus variegatus $3,000
Frye, Michael Application of Swarm Intelligence to Vehicle Path Planning $3,000
Guiry, Michael Medical Tourism: Consumers' Risk Perceptions and Salient Dimensions of Risk $3,000
Hutchinson, Alexander The Effect of Magnesium Orotate Supplementation of Exercise Performance and The Stress Response to Exercise $3,000
Jones, Mary Elaine Interprofessional Collaborative Practice and Health in the Eastside Neighborhood of San Antonio $3,000
Milinovich, Timothy Triumph and Transformation: Ecology, Empire, and Gender in the Rhetoric of Colossians $1,050
Nadeau, Julie A Pilot Study of the Conflict Management Styles of First Semester Nursing Students Before and After an Educational Intervention $2,775
Nath, Lopita Ethno-nationalism, Forced Migration and the Making of a Diaspora: Bhutanese Refugee Resettlement in San Antonio, Texas $2,000
Parker, Ramona Using A Structured Debriefing Process To Enhance Student's Confidence and Satisfaction In Learning In A Simulation Experience $1,460
Sanchez-Diaz, Patricia miRNA in Retinoblastoma Stem-like Cancer Cells $2,557
Stringham, Mark Saving Albanian Plays $3,000
Teachout, Mark Implementing Lean Six Sigma in Healthcare Organizations: An Organizational Development and Change Approach $3,000

2012 (0 projects, $ --)

2011-2012 Faculty Endowment Research Awards
Awardee Project Title Award

2011 (12 projects, $27,370)

2010-2011 Faculty Endowment Research Awards
Awardee Project Title Award
Cota, Jason Effects of Polyamine Inhibition on Candida Albicans Biofilm Formation $3,000
Ettling, Dorothy Evaluation of Personal and Social Impact of Economic Development $1,000
Fike, Renea Implementing Culturally Responsive Teaching into Today's Diverse Classrooms $3,000
Grillo, Adeola Protein Formulation Development and Characterization Using Statistical Design of Experiments $2,000
Hinojosa, Gilberto The Role of the Catholic Church In The Chicano Movement $1,000
Martin, Kathleen Development of a Stability-Indicating Analytical Method for Colistin $2,500
McGuire, Michael World Bank Tax Advice: Does It Satisfy Basic Needs $1,500
Nath, Lopita The Bhutanese Refugee Resettlement in San Antonio, TX: Choosing A Future $3,000
Perry, John Political Props: The Psychopathic Theatrics of Adolf Hitler $1,500
Pines, Eula Leveling Empowerment and Resiliency for Nurses (LEARN): A Horizontal Violence Prevention Intervention Pilot Study $2,870
Smith, Helen Significance of the CYP2C19*2 Polymorphism in Hispanic Clopidogrel Resistant Patients $3,000
Stringham, Mark Pre-War Albanian Theatre $3,000
2007-2010 Summary
# Projects # Unique Awardees Total Awarded
28 23 $33,773

2010 (0 projects, $ --)

2009-2010 Faculty Endowment Research Awards
Awardee Project Title Award

2009 (10 projects, $ --)

2008-2009 Faculty Endowment Research Awards
Awardee Project Title Award
Boakari, Francis Race and Gender in Brazil: Experiences of Women of African Descent $ --
Foglesong, David Role of Human DNA Topoisomerases in Transcription $ --
Gonzalez, Ed Chemical Analysis of Medicinal Plants Used in the Treatment of Type II Diabetes $ --
Hinojosa, Gil The Role of the Catholic Priests, Women Religious, and Laity in the Chicano Movement in Texas $ --
Liu, Hsin-I Articulating global Audience: A Discursive Analysis of Critical Television Audience Studies $ --
Singh, Neeta Phase II - Marketing Soybean as a Means of Creating Economic Sustainability and Improving Nutritional Status Among Residents in Bukoba Rual, Kagera Region, Republic of Tanzania $ --
Tallarovic, Sara A Comparative Study of Jamming During Social Interactions in Two Species of Weakly Electric Fish $ --
Weston, Grady The Structure-Based Investigation of Novel Inhibitors of Human Urokinase (uPA) $ --
Yang, Zhanbo On Nearness Spaces and Their Applications $ --
Zanca, Nursen World Bank Tax Advice for Latin America: How to Obstruct Sustained and Equitable Development $ --

2008 (9 projects, $17,719)

2007-2008 Faculty Endowment Research Awards
Awardee Project Title Award
de los Santos, Esmeralda The Ceramic Industry in Mata Ortiz, Chihuahua: A Reinvestigation of Economic Developments $2,000
Henrich, Timothy A Developmental Analysis of Lift and Drag Propulsion Characteristics in Competitive Swimmers $2,000
Malhotra, Jodie Implementation of Atypical Antipsychotic Monotring in an Inpatient Psychiatric Unit $2,000
McNeill, Jeanette The Relationship Between Family History, Emotions, Spiritual Beliefs, Acculturation, and Objective Measures of Cardiac Health $1,719
McGuire, Michael Role of Taxation in Satisfying Basic Needs: A Case Study in Selected Latin American Countries $2,000
Miller, Julie Catholic Social Teaching and Sexual Ethics $2,000
Singh, Neeta Pilot Project in the Soybean Cultivation as a Means of Improving the Nutritional Status and Economic Sustainability for Women's Cooperative in Bukoba Rurall, Kagera Region of the Republic of Tanzania $2,000
Swofford, Mary Beth Constructing A History of the Dublin Players $2,000
Weston, Grady Scott Investigation of Boronic Acids as Novel Insecticides $2,000

2007 (9 projects, $16,054)

2006-2007 Faculty Endowment Research Awards
Awardee Project Title Award
Campos, David Youth in Juvenile Justice: Circumstances and Course $2,000
Lockhart, Lisa The Relationship between Psychological Characteristics And Physical Health $1,254
Martin, Kathleen Stability of Nystatin in a Compounded Mixture $2,000
Miller, Julie Catholic Social Teaching and Sexual Ethics $1,000
Munoz, Laura Cardiac Fitness, Spirituality, and Anger in College Athletes $2,000
Pérez, Héctor Classification, And Analysis of the Rev. Oscar Garza Archives $2,000
Rauschhuber, Maureen College Students at Risk for Cardiac Disease: A Pilot Intervention Project $1,919
Rodinsky, Harold Images of the Homeless: A Multi-Cultural, Multi-National Project $1,881
Tallarovic, Sara Hormonal Modulation of Jamming Behavior in Electric Fish $2,000

Faculty Workload Reassignment Award (FWRA)

2021-2023 Summary
# Projects # Unique Awardees
30 24

2023 (8 projects)

2022-2023 Faculty Workload Reassignment Awards
Awardee Project Title
Adrian, Rafael Copper Complexes with N-Donor Ancillary Ligands as an Alternative to Platinum-Based Chemotherapy
Armstrong, David Dress Your Groundhog Like the Lone Ranger
Asik, Lale The Effects of Excess Food-Nutrient Content on the Coexistence of Competing Consumer Species
Boswell, Stefanie Syllabus Teaching Philosophies’ Effect on Academic Entitlement and Evaluations
Burleson, Marieke Solasonine as a Novel Treatment for MED12 Altered Breast Cancer
D'Amico, LuElla Editing Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Children’s Writing for Oxford University Press’s The Collected Works of Harriet Beecher Stowe
Miele, Benjamin Environmental Justice and Social Justice from Vergil to Shakespeare
Vela, Horacio Las Casas and the Body of Christ

2022 (12 projects)

2021-2022 Faculty Workload Reassignment Awards
Awardee Project Title
Ambrose, Adrienne American Catholicism
Boswell, Stefanie Learner-Identity Teaching Philosophy’s Effect on Academic Entitlement Attitudes
Burleson, Marieke Natural compounds as a novel treatment for SPOP downregulated breast cancer
D'Amico, LuElla What We Talk 不良研究所 When We Talk 不良研究所 Each Other: Gossip, Love, and Coming of Age in Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women
Felix-Ortiz, Maria Influences on Drug Use Among Young Adult Latinx
Frye, Michael Swarm Laboratory Startup Research at the AVS Research Labs
Metroka, Brandon Filming the First: Cinematic Portrayals of the Freedom of the Press
Partridge, Teresa Individual differences in attractiveness face processing: Selective attention and valence associations
Robbins, Joshua And Weeds We Are Meant to Become
Salfen, Kevin Eight Librettists for Britten
Starkey, David Examining arthropod health: is Wolbachia in San Antonio
Vela, Horacio Rereading Paul in the Borderlands

2021 (10 projects)

Andrade, Lydia Trump Tweets
Boswell, Stefanie Effects of Evaluations, Gender, and Policy Leniency on Academic Entitlement Attitudes
Burleson, Marieke Natural compounds as a novel treatment for SPOP downregulated breast cancer
Frye, Michael Deep Learning Algorithms for Image Classification on UAS Platforms
Leverett, Betsy Augmentation of Bacillus-based Biocontrol with Microalgal Amendment Formulations
Miele, Benjamin Research and Consultations for a Translation and Digital Critical Edition of Pareus, In Guil. Parry Proditorem odae & epigrammata, and In Catilinarias Proditiones ac Proditores Domesticos
Nath, Lopita Where is My Shangri-La? Challenges and Successes of Bhutanese Refugee Resettlement in The United States
Vela, Horacio St. Paul in America
Walker, Rachel Examination of the development and differences of object play behaviors in dolphins that are under professional care and in their natural environment.
Zanca, Nursen An Economist Investigates: A Study of the Economic Impact of Refugees in the U.S.
2016-2020 Summary
# Projects # Unique Awardees
42 31

2020 (6 projects)

2019-2020 Faculty Workload Reassignment Awards
Awardee Project Title
Carvalho, Paulo Biotransformation of artemisinin by C. elegans as a source of starting material for semi-synthetic derivatives
Coker, Adeola Characterizing the effect of antimicrobial preservatives on albumin glycation
David, Ann Preservice Teachers and Writing: Adapting Instruction to improve the teaching of writing
Dols, Jean Implementing an Evidence-Based Protocol to Identify, Intervene, & Refer Human Trafficking Victims in South Texas Emergency Departments: Nurse & Provider Experience & Perceptions
Lopez-Rodriguez, Erlinda Dietary Intervention for Elementary Students
Ramirez, Monica Impact of a Charge Nurse Education Program on the Charge nurse, patients, clinical staff, and clinical operations

2019 (6 projects)

2018-2019 Faculty Workload Reassignment Awards
Awardee Project Title
Carvalho, Paulo  Biotransformation of artemisinin by C. elegans as a source of starting material for semi-synthetic derivatives 
David, Ann  Preservice Teachers and Writing: Adapting Instruction to improve the teaching of writing 
Dols, Jean  Impact of Establishing a Protocol to Identify, Assess, Intervene, & Refer Human Trafficking Victims in San Antonio Region Emergency Centers 
Tallon, Michael  Spanish Heritage Students’ Beliefs 不良研究所 Learning a Foreign Language 
Tilton, Kathleen  Chronic Illness Care Integration in Baccalaureate Nursing Education: A Critical Review of Literature 
Vallor, Ana  Analysis of the Biotransformation of Artemisinin, Produced by Cunninghamella elegans Metabolism 

2018 (8 projects)

2017-2018 Faculty Workload Reassignment Awards
Awardee Project Title
Carvalho, Paulo Biotransformation of artemisinin by C. elegans as a source of starting material for semi-synthetic derivatives
David, Ann Preservice Teachers and Writing: Adapting Instruction to Improve the Teaching of Writing
Dols, Jean Nursing Turnover in the First 5 Years of Hospital Employment
Edmond, Tracie Tri-Sector Case-Study Development
Guinn, Trey Technological Enhancements to Advance Cardiovascular Health for Patients (TEACH Patients)
Kirk, Sr. Martha Ann The Life and Creations of Carla De Sola, Sacred Dancer, Choreographer, Author, and Teacher
Vallor, Ana Investigation of the South Texas Microbial Community for the Next Generation Anti-Microbials
Zhang, Shishu Students’ Perspective of Technology Use in the Classroom

2017 (9 projects)

2016-2017 Faculty Workload Reassignment Awards
Awardee Project Title
Barton-Weston, Heather Motivations for Cause-Related Running Events
David, Ann Preservice Teachers and Writing: Adapting Instruction to improve the teaching of writing
Dols, Jean Nurse Managed Health Center Quality Metrics Survey
Jackson, Sara Case Study of Brazilian Pharmaceutical Firm's entry into the US market
Kirk, Sr. Martha Ann The Life and Creations of Carla De Sola, Sacred Dancer, Choreographer, Author, and Teacher
Partridge, Teresa Neural Correlates of Social Evaluation
Piper, Doshie Relationship Building in Faith, Restorative Justice, and Community Corrections
Smith, Helen Polymorphisms Associated with the Risk of Neonatal Parenteral Nutrition-Associated Cholestasis (PNAC)
Zhang, Shishu A Study of the Causes of Obesity

2016 (13 projects)

2015-2016 Faculty Workload Reassignment Awards
Awardee Project Title
Barton-Weston, Heather Determining Effectiveness of Flipped Classroom Delivery on Behavior Regulation to Exercise
Coker, Adeola Effect of Glucose, Sodium Chloride, and Apple Cider Vinegar Concentrations on Glycation and Aggregation of Bovine Serum Albumin
David, Ann Texts in the gym, on the field and court, and in the weight room: Literacy practices of future PE teachers
Dols, Jean Quandaries for Nursing Scholars: The Nursing Capstone Project
Griffiths, Randall Intended and Realized Benefits of Exercise and Sport Participation
Jackson, Sara Executive Training Program to integrate Business School into the Industrial Pharmacy Externship with FSOP-不良研究所 and Prati-Donaduzzi
Kirk, Martha Ann The Life and Creations of Carla De Sola, Sacred Dancer, Choreographer, Author, and Teacher
Moore, Mary Ruth Joe L. Frost Festschrift Volume
Partridge, Teresa Taylor Neural Correlates of Social Evaluation
Sikazwe, Donald Synthesis and Assaying of Hydrazones for Antioxidant Activities
Skukauskaite, Audrone Doctoral student experiences and learning of research
Vallor, Ana Investigation of the cytokine profiles obtained from Macrophage Cell lines in response to exposure to Lactobacilli biofilms
Yendapally, Raghunandan Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Fluoroquinolone Derivatives
2016-2020 Summary
# Projects # Unique Awardees
72 40

2015 (15 projects)

2014-2015 Faculty Workload Reassignment Awards
Awardee Project Title
Adams, Melinda Implementing Technology into Traditional Fashion Design Studio Classes
Beauford, Judith E. Impact of Explicit number names on mathematics understanding
Coker, Adeola Effect of Glucose, Sodium Chloride, and Ascorbic Acid Concentrations on Glycation of Bovine Serum Albumin
Fike, Renea The Effect of an Intervention to Improve Teacher Certification Rates: A Randomized Multi-Phase Study
Guiry, Michael Risk, uncertainty, and the theory of planned behavior: A medical tourism perspective
Kirk, Martha Ann The Life and Creations of Carla De Sola, Sacred Dancer, Choreographer, Author, and Teacher
Leverett, Betsy In Vitro Biological Evaluation of Palladium, Platinum, and Zinc Metal Complexes
Mickles, Chandra The Effect of Tear Supplements on Contact Lens Comfort
Moffett, David Student Perceptions of their doctoral programs: case study and Graduate students’ perceptions of preparedness to create research proposals
Ozturgut, Osman A Model for Self-Sustainable Schools in Developing Countries: Experiences of Turkish Village Institutes Graduates
Parker, Ramona Interprofessional Collaborative Practice in San Antonio’s Eastside Neighborhood
Partridge, Teresa Neural Correlates of Social Evaluation
Skukauskaite, Audrone Doctoral student experiences and learning of research
Smith, Helen Polymorphisms Associated with the Risk of Neonatal PNAC
Yendapally, Raghunandan Synthesis of Fluoroquinolone Derivatives

2014 (15 projects)

2013-2014 Faculty Workload Reassignment Awards
Awardee Project Title
Antelo, Absael Ongoing Research on Followership and Followership Attributes
Beauford, Judith E. Number Names Research
Fike, Renea The Effect of an Intervention to Improve Teacher Certification Rates: A Randomized Multi-Phase Study
Grillo, Adeola Characterizing the Correlations Between Protein Conformation and Stability Using Multivariate Experimental Design
Guiry, Michael Medical Tourism Destination Personality: A Study of Thailand, Singapore, and Malaysia
Jones, Mary Elaine Interprofessional Collaborative Practice and Health in the Eastside Neighborhood of San Antonio
Kasraie, Noah The Effect of Online Modules on Student Learning in a Blended Social Sciences Statistics Graduate Class
Kirk, Sr. Martha Ann The Life and Creations of Carla De Sola, Sacred Dancer, Choreographer, Author, and Teacher
Risku, Michael Procedural Versus Conceptual Mathematical Knowledge of American Elementary Teachers
Skukauskaite, Audrone Learning Research in Doctoral Education
Smith, Helen The Significance of Genetic Variants in the Risk of Neonatal Parenteral Nutrition-Associated Hepatic Cholestasis, a Pilot Study
St. Clair, Norman A New Teaching Model
Taylor Partridge, Teresa Neutral Correlates of Social Evaluation
Vallor, Ana Analysis of the Inhibition of Biofilm Formation of the Neonatal Gastrointestinal Pathogen Cronobacter Sakazakii by Species of the Probiotic Lactobacillus in Vitro
Zhang, Shishu Educational Expenditure and Children's Burden in China

2013 (19 projects)

2012-2013 Faculty Workload Reassignment Awards
Awardee Project Title
Antelo, Absael Ongoing Research on Followership and Followership Traits
Beauford, Judith E. Impact of Explicit Number Names on Mathematics Understanding
Chou, Shih Yung The Impact of Perceived Organizational Justice on Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Moderating Role of the Need for Affiliation and Need for Achievement
Ettling, Dorothy Collaborative Information Communications Technology Project in Rural Tanzania 2012-13
Fike, Renea Improving Teacher Certification Rates: An Exploration of the Role of Critical Thinking Ability in Teacher Certification Examinations
Foglesong, Paul Analysis of the Levels of Type II DNA Topoisomerases in Interleukin-2-treated HuT 78 Cells
Grillo, Adeola Conformational Analysis of Lactobacilli-Cronobacter Aggregation
Guiry, Michael Medical Tourism: Consumers' Risk Perceptions and Salient Dimensions of Risk
Jones, Mary Elaine Inter-professional Collaborative Practice and Health in the Eastside Neighborhood of San Antonio
Kasraie, Noah Assessment of Effectiveness and Satisfaction of Students in a Blended Learning Class
Ozturgut, Osman Contextualizing Culture and Cultural Competency: Teacher Perceptions
Parker, Ramona Ann Using A Structured Debriefing Process to Enhance Student Confidence and Satisfaction in Learning in a Simulation Experience
Risku, Michael American Elementary Teachers and Math Activity: Can Teachers Teach What They Do Not Understand?
Sikazwe, Donald Synthesis of Key Intermediates for Potential Alzheimer's Disease Modifying Agents
Smith, Helen Pharmacogenomics Research Development
St. Clair, Norman Building Sustainable Ethics in a Global Environment (Book Project); & A New Process Model for Teaching Culture in Grounded Research
Vallor, Ana C. Conformational Analysis of Lactobacilli-Cronobacter Aggregation
Yendapally, Raghunandan Synthesis of Acylfluoroquinolenes
Zhang, Shishu Development Beyond The Middle Income Trap: China in Transition

2012 (22 projects)

2011-2012 Faculty Workload Reassignment Awards
Antelo, Absael Assessing Attributes in a Leadership Process – Comparative Analysis of Followership in Russia and Belarus
Beauford, Judith E. Impact of Explicit Number Names on Mathematics Understanding
Chou, Shih Yung The Effects of Manifest Needs on Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Nurses
Ettling, Dorothy Evaluation of Personal and Social Impact of Economic Development
Fike, Renea Improving Teacher Certification Rates: An Exploration of the Role of Critical Thinking Ability in Teacher Certification Examinations
Foglesong, Paul Killing of Interleukin-2-treated HuT 78 Cells by Antitumor Drugs that inhibit DNA Topoisomerases
Grillo, Adeola Effective Implementation of Design of Experiments in Protein Formulation and Characterization
Guiry, Michael Communicating Trust to Alleviate Medical Tourists’ Risk Concerns: A Content Analysis of Asian Medical Tourism Hospital Websites
Kasraie, Noah Assessment of Effectiveness, Social Presence, Collaborative Learning, and Satisfaction in a Blended Learning Environment from Students’ Perspective
Kimmel, Jessica Social Issues for Women in Turkey, Palestine, Israel, and Jordan
Kirk, Sr. Martha Ann Creating an On-Line Archive on Religious Dance and Drama
Martinez, Elda A. LEAD Teams: The Impact of Formative Assessment on Instructional Practice
McNeill, Jeanette Clinical Simulation and Student/Faculty Outcomes
Ozturgut, Osman 1) Quality Assurance in Private Higher Education Institutions in China; and 2)Learning by Example: Impact of Standardized Testing in the Cases of China, Korea, Taiwan, and Japan
Pines, Eula W. Leveling Empowerment and Resiliency for Nursing: A Horizontal Violence Intervention Prevention Pilot Study
Ryan, Eilish Presenting Christian Spirituality to the Millennial Generation
Sikazwe, Donald Multi-functional Ligands for Neurodegenerative Diseases - Alzheimer's
Smith, Helen The Significance of Genetic Polymorphisms in Clopidogrel and Aspirin Resistance in Hispanic Type II Diabetic Patients
St. Clair, Norman 1) Culture and Ethics: Understanding the True Nature of an Ethical Dilemma; and 2) International Internships and Learning Outcomes (an estimation of multivariate analytical paths between academic preparation and successful international outcomes)
Taylor Partridge, Teresa Neural Correlates of Face Evaluation
Teachout, Mark Assessing 不良研究所 Culture
Yvonne Davila, SNHP Educating Nursing Students for Providing Health Promotion to Community Residing Elders

Faculty Graduate Research/Teaching Assistantship (FGRA)

2021-2023 Summary
# Projects # Unique Awardees
21 15

2023 (7 projects)

2022-2023 Faculty Graduate Research Assistant Award
Awardee Project Title
Carvalho, Paulo Synthesis of 2,4-Diamino Derivatives with Antileishmanial Activity
D'Amico, LuElla Editing Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Children’s Writing for Oxford University Press’s The Collected Works of Harriet Beecher Stowe
De La Torre Parra, Gonzalo An Interpretable IDS Based on Shadowed Network Data Analysis for Detecting APT Attacks
Guzman Foster, Sandra L. Paying it Forward: Mentoring Doctoral Students in the Research Process
Lockard, Brittanie Athlete Whey Protein Sensitivity: Prevalence and Performance
Niu, Chunling Innovations for Evaluating the Mentoring Processes Implemented in the 不良研究所 ‘s Federally Funded FLIGHT (Financial Literacy, Integrated Guidance, and Health Career Tracts) Grant Program
Oyedele, Adesegun Building Local Capacity Through International Entrepreneurship: A Sustainable Cross Border Partnership

2022 (8 projects)

2021-2022 Faculty Graduate Research Assistant Award
Awardee Project Title
Barton-Weston, Heather Culturally Competent Health Promotion Strategies to Encourage COVID-19 Vaccination
D'Amico, LuElla Harriet Beecher Stowe Society Intern
Felix-Ortiz, Maria Influences on Drug Use Among Young Adult Latinx
Frye, Michael GRAs to Assist in Digital Twin Technology for Predictive Maintenance
Kirk, Sr. Martha Ann Identifying Needs, Developing, Assessing Service-Learning Support, Second Year of a Four-Year Longitudinal Study on Social Justice Transformation
Lockard, Brittanie Continuation of A Pilot Study: The relationship between suspected inflammation-provoking foods on overall body inflammation before and after a targeted elimination diet
Lopez-Rodriguez, Erlinda Elementary E.A.T.S.S. Building A Garden-Based Curriculum
Salfen, Kevin Editorial and Listening Library Assistant

2021 (7 projects)

2020-2021 Faculty Graduate Research Assistant Award
Awardee Project Title
Carvalho, Paulo Iotransformation of artemisinin by C. elegans as a source of starting material for semi-synthetic derivatives
D'Amico, LuElla Uncovering the Stories Nineteen-Century Unwed, Adolescent Mothers in the Philadelphia House of Refuge
Frye, Michael Human-Centered shared Autonomous UAV System
Kirk, Sr. Martha Ann Identifying Needs, Developing, Assessing Service-Learning Support, Pilot of Four-Year Longitudinal Study on Social Justice Transformation
Ortiz Aragon, Alfredo Seeking connections between the Action Research in Support of Community Health & Wellbeing Initiative & DSE Graduate programs
Oyedele, Adesegun What strategies and global alliances do small local firms (SLFs) or local artisanal-organic food exporters in Mexico adopt to succeed under complex market conditions
Ramirez, Monica Alignment of Nurse Leader Strategies and the Multi-generational, Multi-Ethnic Workforce’s Expectations of Leadership to Improve Patient Outcomes and Achieve Nursing Excellence.
2016-2020 Summary
# Projects # Unique Awardees
42 31

2020 (6 projects)

2019-2020 Faculty Graduate Research Assistant Award
Awardee Project Title
Carvalho, Paulo Biotransformation of artemisinin by C. elegans as a source of starting material for semi-synthetic derivatives
Coker, Adeola Characterizing the effect of antimicrobial preservatives on albumin glycation
David, Ann Preservice Teachers and Writing: Adapting Instruction to improve the teaching of writing
Dols, Jean Implementing an Evidence-Based Protocol to Identify, Intervene, & Refer Human Trafficking Victims in South Texas Emergency Departments: Nurse & Provider Experience & Perceptions
Lopez-Rodriguez, Erlinda Dietary Intervention for Elementary Students
Ramirez, Monica Impact of a Charge Nurse Education Program on the charge nurse, patients, clinical staff, and clinical operations

2019 (6 projects)

2018-2019 Faculty Graduate Research Assistant Award
Awardee Project Title
Carvalho, Paulo Biotransformation of artemisinin by C. elegans as a source of starting material for semi-synthetic derivatives
David, Ann Preservice Teachers and Writing: Adapting Instruction to improve the teaching of writing
Dols, Jean Impact of Establishing a Protocol to Identify, Assess, Intervene, & Refer Human Trafficking Victims in San Antonio Region Emergency Centers
Tallon, Michael Spanish Heritage Students’ Beliefs 不良研究所 Learning a Foreign Language 
Tilton, Kathleen Chronic Illness Care Integration in Baccalaureate Nursing Education: A Critical Review of Literature
Vallor, Ana Analysis of the Biotransformation of Artemisinin, Produced by Cunninghamella elegans Metabolism

2018 (8 projects)

2017-2018 Faculty Graduate Research Assistant Award
Awardee Project Title
Carvalho, Paulo Biotransformation of artemisinin by C. elegans as a source of starting material for semi-synthetic derivatives
David, Ann Preservice Teachers and Writing: Adapting Instruction to Improve the Teaching of Writing
Dols, Jean Nursing Turnover in the First 5 Years of Hospital Employment
Edmond, Tracie Tri-Sector Case-Study Development
Guinn, Trey Technological Enhancements to Advance Cardiovascular Health for Patients (TEACH Patients)
Kirk, Sr. Martha Ann The Life and Creations of Carla De Sola, Sacred Dancer, Choreographer, Author, and Teacher
Vallor, Ana Investigation of the South Texas Microbial Community for the Next Generation Anti-Microbials
Zhang, Shishu Students’ Perspective of Technology Use in the Classroom

2017 (9 projects)

2016-2017 Faculty Graduate Research Assistant Award
Awardee Project Title
Barton-Weston, Heather Motivations for Cause-Related Running Events
David, Ann Preservice Teachers and Writing: Adapting Instruction to improve the teaching of writing
Dols, Jean Nurse Managed Health Center Quality Metrics Survey
Jackson, Sara Case Study of Brazilian Pharmaceutical Firm's entry into the US market
Kirk, Sr. Martha Ann The Life and Creations of Carla De Sola, Sacred Dancer, Choreographer, Author, and Teacher
Partridge, Teresa Neural Correlates of Social Evaluation
Piper, Doshie Relationship Building in Faith, Restorative Justice, and Community Corrections
Smith, Helen Polymorphisms Associated with the Risk of Neonatal Parenteral Nutrition-Associated Cholestasis (PNAC)
Zhang, Shishu A Study of the Causes of Obesity

2016 (13 projects)

2015-2016 Faculty Graduate Research Assistant Award
Awardee Project Title
Barton-Weston, Heather Determining Effectiveness of Flipped Classroom Delivery on Behavior Regulation to Exercise
Coker, Adeola Effect of Glucose, Sodium Chloride, and Apple Cider Vinegar Concentrations on Glycation and Aggregation of Bovine Serum Albumin
David, Ann Texts in the gym, on the field and court, and in the weight room: Literacy practices of future PE teachers
Dols, Jean Quandaries for Nursing Scholars: The Nursing Capstone Project
Griffiths, Randall Intended and Realized Benefits of Exercise and Sport Participation
Jackson, Sara Executive Training Program to integrate Business School into the Industrial Pharmacy Externship with FSOP-不良研究所 and Prati-Donaduzzi
Kirk, Martha Ann The Life and Creations of Carla De Sola, Sacred Dancer, Choreographer, Author, and Teacher
Moore, Mary Ruth Joe L. Frost Festschrift Volume
Partridge, Teresa Taylor Neural Correlates of Social Evaluation
Sikazwe, Donald Synthesis and Assaying of Hydrazones for Antioxidant Activities
Skukauskaite, Audrone Doctoral student experiences and learning of research
Vallor, Ana Investigation of the cytokine profiles obtained from Macrophage Cell lines in response to exposure to Lactobacilli biofilms
Yendapally, Raghunandan Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Fluoroquinolone Derivatives
2012-2015 Summary
# Projects # Unique Awardees
72 40

2015 (16 projects)

2014-2015 Faculty Graduate Research Assistant Award
Awardee Project Title
Adams, Melinda Implementing Technology into Traditional Fashion Design Studio Classes
Beauford, Judith E. Impact of Explicit number names on mathematics understanding
Coker, Adeola Effect of Glucose, Sodium Chloride, and Ascorbic Acid Concentrations on Glycation of Bovine Serum Albumin
Fike, Renea The Effect of an Intervention to Improve Teacher Certification Rates: A Randomized Multi-Phase Study
Guiry, Michael Risk, uncertainty, and the theory of planned behavior: A medical tourism perspective
Kirk, Martha Ann The Life and Creations of Carla De Sola, Sacred Dancer, Choreographer, Author, and Teacher
Leverett, Betsy In Vitro Biological Evaluation of Palladium, Platinum, and Zinc Metal Complexes
Mickles, Chandra The Effect of Tear Supplements on Contact Lens Comfort
Moffett, David Student perceptions of their doctoral programs: case study and Graduate students’ perceptions of preparedness to create research proposals
Ozturgut, Osman A Model for Self-Sustainable Schools in Developing Countries: Experiences of Turkish Village Institutes Graduates
Parker, Ramona Interprofessional Collaborative Practice in San Antonio’s Eastside Neighborhood
Partridge, Teresa Neural Correlates of Social Evaluation
Skukauskaite, Audrone Doctoral student experiences and learning of research
Smith, Helen Polymorphisms Associated with the Risk of Neonatal PNAC
Yendapally, Raghunandan Synthesis of Fluoroquinolone Derivatives
Zhang, Shishu The Causes and the Effects of Obesity

2014 (15 projects)

2013-2014 Faculty Graduate Research Assistant Award
Awardee Project Title
Antelo, Absael Ongoing Research on Followership and Followership Attributes
Beauford, Judith E. Number Names Research
Fike, Renea The Effect of an Intervention to Improve Teacher Certification Rates: A Randomized Multi-Phase Study
Grillo, Adeola Characterizing the Correlations Between Protein Conformation and Stability Using Multivariate Experimental Design
Guiry, Michael Medical Tourism Destination Personality: A Study of Thailand, Singapore, and Malaysia
Jones, Mary Elaine Interprofessional Collaborative Practice and Health in the Eastside Neighborhood of San Antonio
Kasraie, Noah The Effect of Online Modules on Student Learning in a Blended Social Sciences Statistics Graduate Class
Kirk, Sr. Martha Ann The Life and Creations of Carla De Sola, Sacred Dancer, Choreographer, Author, and Teacher
Risku, Michael Procedural Versus Conceptual Mathematical Knowledge of American Elementary Teachers
Skukauskaite, Audrone Learning Research in Doctoral Education
Smith, Helen The Significance of Genetic Variants in the Risk of Neonatal Parenteral Nutrition-Associated Hepatic Cholestasis, a Pilot Study
St. Clair, Norman A New Teaching Model
Taylor Partridge, Teresa Neutral Correlates of Social Evaluation
Vallor, Ana Analysis of the Inhibition of Biofilm Formation of the Neonatal Gastrointestinal Pathogen Cronobacter Sakazakii by Species of the Probiotic Lactobacillus in Vitro
Zhang, Shishu Educational Expenditure and Children's Burden in China

2013 (19 projects)

2012-2013 Faculty Graduate Research Assistant Award
Awardee Project Title
Antelo, Absael Ongoing Research on Followership and Followership Traits
Beauford, Judith E. Impact of Explicit Number Names on Mathematics Understanding
Chou, Shih Yung The Impact of Perceived Organizational Justice on Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Moderating Role of the Need for Affiliation and Need for Achievement
Ettling, Dorothy Collaborative Information Communications Technology Project in Rural Tanzania 2012-13
Fike, Renea Improving Teacher Certification Rates: An Exploration of the Role of Critical Thinking Ability in Teacher Certification Examinations
Foglesong, Paul Analysis of the Levels of Type II DNA Topoisomerases in Interleukin-2-treated HuT 78 Cells
Grillo, Adeola Conformational Analysis of Lactobacilli-Cronobacter Aggregation
Guiry, Michael Medical Tourism: Consumers' Risk Perceptions and Salient Dimensions of Risk
Jones, Mary Elaine Inter-professional Collaborative Practice and Health in the Eastside Neighborhood of San Antonio
Kasraie, Noah Assessment of Effectiveness and Satisfaction of Students in a Blended Learning Class
Ozturgut, Osman Contextualizing Culture and Cultural Competency: Teacher Perceptions
Parker, Ramona Ann Using A Structured Debriefing Process to Enhance Student Confidence and Satisfaction in Learning in a Simulation Experience
Risku, Michael American Elementary Teachers and Math Activity: Can Teachers Teach What They Do Not Understand?
Sikazwe, Donald Synthesis of Key Intermediates for Potential Alzheimer's Disease Modifying Agents
Smith, Helen Pharmacogenomics Research Development
St. Clair, Norman Building Sustainable Ethics in a Global Environment (Book Project); & A New Process Model for Teaching Culture in Grounded Research
Vallor, Ana C. Conformational Analysis of Lactobacilli-Cronobacter Aggregation
Yendapally, Raghunandan Synthesis of Acylfluoroquinolenes
Zhang, Shishu Development Beyond The Middle Income Trap: China in Transition

2012 (22 projects)

2011-2012 Faculty Graduate Research Assistant Award
Awardee Project Title
Antelo, Absael Assessing Attributes in a Leadership Process – Comparative Analysis of Followership in Russia and Belarus
Beauford, Judith E. Impact of Explicit Number Names on Mathematics Understanding
Chou, Shih Yung The Effects of Manifest Needs on Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Nurses
Ettling, Dorothy Evaluation of Personal and Social Impact of Economic Development
Fike, Renea Improving Teacher Certification Rates: An Exploration of the Role of Critical Thinking Ability in Teacher Certification Examinations
Foglesong, Paul The killing of Interleukin-2-treated HuT 78 Cells by Antitumor Drugs that inhibit DNA Topoisomerases
Grillo, Adeola Effective Implementation of Design of Experiments in Protein Formulation and Characterization
Guiry, Michael Communicating Trust to Alleviate Medical Tourists’ Risk Concerns: A Content Analysis of Asian Medical Tourism Hospital Websites
Kasraie, Noah Assessment of Effectiveness, Social Presence, Collaborative Learning, and Satisfaction in a Blended Learning Environment from Students’ Perspective
Kimmel, Jessica Social Issues for Women in Turkey, Palestine, Israel, and Jordan
Kirk, Sr. Martha Ann Creating an On-Line Archive on Religious Dance and Drama
Martinez, Elda A. LEAD Teams: The Impact of Formative Assessment on Instructional Practice
McNeill, Jeanette Clinical Simulation and Student/Faculty Outcomes
Ozturgut, Osman 1) Quality Assurance in Private Higher Education Institutions in China; and 2)Learning by Example: Impact of Standardized Testing in the Cases of China, Korea, Taiwan, and Japan
Pines, Eula W. Leveling Empowerment and Resiliency for Nursing: A Horizontal Violence Intervention Prevention Pilot Study
Ryan, Eilish Presenting Christian Spirituality to the Millennial Generation
Sikazwe, Donald Multi-functional Ligands for Neurodegenerative Diseases - Alzheimer's
Smith, Helen The Significance of Genetic Polymorphisms in Clopidogrel and Aspirin Resistance in Hispanic Type II Diabetic Patients
St. Clair, Norman 1) Culture and Ethics: Understanding the True Nature of an Ethical Dilemma; and 2) International Internships and Learning Outcomes (an estimation of multivariate analytical paths between academic preparation and successful international outcomes)
Taylor Partridge, Teresa Neural Correlates of Face Evaluation
Teachout, Mark Assessing 不良研究所 Culture
Yvonne Davila, SNHP Educating Nursing Students for Providing Health Promotion to Community Residing Elders

Student Awards


Awards To Date
Program Awarded
Undergraduate Research Award $64,859
Graduate Research Award $10,815
Student Travel Award $197,505
2019 - 2023 $273,177


Awards by Degree
Degree Recipients Awarded
Bachelors 233 $163,046
Masters 40 $24,376
Doctoral 146 $83,830
Professional Doctoral 3 $1,912
2019 - 2023 422 $273,177
2021-2023 Summary
# Projects # Unique Awardees Total Awarded
105 101 $85,976

2023 (46 awards, $37,687)

2023 Travel and Project Awards
Awardee Project Title Award
Alcala, Gloria Water t-maze spatial learning test to assess cognitive flexibility in aged mice $800
Alcala, Karley Chromatography Free Synthesis of Mono Tosylate Derivatives of Glycols and Diols $825
Alvarez, Ana Cristina Combating drug-resistant fungal biofilms using a heat shock protein 90 inhibitor $800
Baldwin, Melinda TLC and LC-MS monitoring chromatography-free synthesis of monotosylation of glycols and diols $775
Bhura, Roohi RNA Binding Characterization of the RRM and RRM-RGG2 Domains of EWSR1 $1,000
Breen, Malya Synthesis, characterization, and antitumor activity of copper(II) complexes with 5-chloro-1,10-phenanthroline $775
Caballero, Alicia Tejanos con Ganas $751
Castro, Aracely Novel Role of Dual Oxidase 2 as a Mediator of Podocyte Injury in the Diabetic Environment $800
Castro, Anthony Chromatography-free Synthesis of mono DMT derivative of glycols and diols $800
Connolly, Kaelin Neurotransmitter systems in Lumbriculus variegatus, a regenerating model system $785
Couvertie, Ciji Making Experiences Actionable: Digital Storytelling for Parents of Children with Autism $1,600
De La Cerdra, Natalie Controlled Synthesis of Mono Trityl Ether Derivatives of Glycols and Diols $800
Donovan, Donald Uses of Stereolithography Additive Manufacturing in Cryogenic Heat Capacity Measurements $825
Faubert, Liam Palladium(II) complexes of ethylenediamine containing phenanthroline-based ligands: Synthesis, characterization and cytotoxicity studies $750
Gaeta, Journie Investigating Myelin Reconstruction in Lumbriculus Variegatus $783
Garrett, Aiden Synthesis, Characterization, and Antitumor Activity of Palladium(II) Complexes with 4,7-Dichloro-1,10-Phenanthroline $1,600
Gonzalez, Amore Zinc complexes of terpyridine: Synthesis, structure determination, and evaluation of antifungal and antiproliferative activity $825
Gonzalez, Mariana The Current Research on Cancel Culture $--
Gutierrez, Marcela Synthesis, Characterization, and Antitumor Activity of Dinuclear Copper (II) Complexes with 2,2'-Bipyrimidine as Bridging Ligand $650
Hecker, Jacqueline Calcium-dependent dual oxidase 2 is a novel source of reactive oxygen species implicated in glomerular mesangial cell fibrotic response to angiotensin II and high glucose $825
Hernandez, Monica Equalizing Community Voice in International Service-Learning Projects: A Narrative Inquiry $800
Jones, Orion Development of Semi-Autonomous Flight & Detection Systems Using Small Drones $1,000
Kennedy, Alyssa Educated Latina: A Poetic narrative of the experiences of a Latina doctoral scholar $800
Kermet, Sophia Glycoalkaloid Solasonine Targets SHH Signaling to Block MED12 Mutant Breast Cancer Oncogenesis $85
Lane, Chyna Development of Semi-Autonomous Flight & Detection Systems Using Small Drones $800
Le, Amanda Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Novel Dinuclear Copper(II) Complexes of 1,10-Phenanthroline and 4,7-Dichloro-1,10-Phenanthroline $800
Lechler, Raul Novel Hsp90 inhibitor represents promising treatment strategy for targeting Candida albicans virulence traits $825
Manseau, Ian Eschew $800
McCray, Pamela How do Personal and Environmental Factors Impact Senior Adult Technology Access and Usage of Digital Resources $800
McLachlan, Mark Green Synthesis of Trityl Ether Tosylate of Glycols and Diols $800
Migura, Amy The Compassionate Researcher: Benefits, Outcomes, and Challenges from a Graduate Summer Course $775
Moreno, Jaclyn Biotransformation of Forchlorfenuron by the fungus Cunninghamella elegans $800
Myneni, Nishanth Alisol B 23-Acetate Targets SHH Signaling in MED12 Knockdown Breast Cancer Cells to Inhibit Oncogenesis $1,600
Perez, Melinda Financial literacy: A discussion of our internal and external influences $800
Rincon, Mariana Structural Features and Antitumor Activity of Pd(II) Complexes Containing 4,4’-Dimethyl2,2’-Dipyridyl $800
Rose, Nalani Cytotoxicity of novel palladium(II) complexes containing 4,7-dichloro-1,10-phenanthroline as ancillary ligand $825
Sanderlin, Michael Palladium(II) Complexes of 4,4'-Dimethoxy-2,2'-Bipyridine: Synthesis, Characterization and Cytotoxicity $766
Siecynska, Alicja Exploring Educators’ Perceptions and Practices of Self-Directed Learning in Graduate Education: A Basic Interpretive Qualitative Study $825
Sterling, Leah Targeting the molecular chaperone, Hsp90, to inhibit Candida albicans biofilm formation $300
Sulaica, Joesph Mixed Ligand Copper(II) Complexes of 1,10-Phenanthroline: Synthesis, Characterization, and Cytotoxicity $800
Vargas, Brittany Mixed-ligand palladium(II) complexes of 1,2-bis(diphenylphosphino)ethane: Synthesis, characterization, and cytotoxicity $2,702
Vasquez, Michelle Making Experiences Actionable: Digital Storytelling for Parents of Children with Autism $800
Wayne, Austin Palladium(II) complexes of 2,2′:6′,2′′-terpyridine and 4′-chloro-2,2′:6′,2′′-terpyridine: Synthesis, characterization, and cytotoxicity studies $789

2022 (40 awards, $21,868)

2022 Travel and Project Awards
Awardee Project Title Award
Akula, Shivani Glycoalkaloid solasonine as a target for SHH signaling to block MED12 mutant breast cancer oncogenesis $800
Alford, Susanna Leveraging Best Confirmation Practices: How Leaders in Organizations Could Leverage Confirming Behaviors Often Found in Sport Relationships $800
Araujo Rincon, Mariana Natural Compounds as a Promising TherapeuOc Agent for SPOP Downregulated Breast Cancer $800
Barrera, Roman Gene expression analysis during regeneration in an Annelid model $--
Chavez, Jose Integrated Multi-Sensor Remote System Design for Real-Time Indoor Air Quality Monitoring $600
Colunga, Carlos Synthesis and structural characterization of novel dinuclear 2,6-bis(2-benzimidazalyl)pyridine copper(II) complexes $719
Connolly, Kaelin Changes in Synaptic Protein Expression during Neuronal Regeneration $259
Couvertier, Ciji Making Experiences Actionable: Digital Storytelling for Parents of Children with Autism $800
Doan, Victoria Metabolism of the antioxidant pomiferin by Cunninghamella elegans $800
Faiz, Najwa Mammalian Target of Rapamycin-Mediated Expression and Activity of ADAM 17 in Diabetic Nephropathy $100
Flete, Heather This is my favorite class! RTTP Student Engagement Teaching Strategies $95
Flores, Matthew How Interpersonal Communication Skills Could Aid to Overcome the Increased Challenges in an Evolving Remote Work Environment $800
Gaeta, Journie Changes in Myelination During Neural Regeneration in Lumbriculus variegatus $259
Garza, Matthew This is My Favorite Class! RTTP and Student Engagement Teaching Strategies. $113.
Garza, Benjamin Comparison of Actual versus Recommended Intake of Collegiate Athletes Across Gender and Season at a Small Division I University $455
Gonzalez, Cristian Alisol B23-Acetate Targets SHH Signaling in MED12 Knockdown Breast Cancer Cells to Inhibit Oncogenesis $800
Gutierrez, Marcela Dinuclear palladium(II) complexes containing 2,2'-bipyrimidine. Synthesis, spectral characterization, Xray crystallography, and in vitro cytotoxicity. $719
Ibarra, Sara Zinc(II) complexes of 4'-chloro-2,2':6',2''-terpyridine: Synthesis, Characterization and Biological studies $369.
Lane, Chyna 不良研究所 Women in Cyber Security Student Chapter $650
Le, Tulan C-7 Functionalization and Synthesis of Derivatives of the Antimalarial Agent Artemisinin $800
Lechler, Raul Effect of a novel HSP-90 inhibitor on Candida albicans biofilm growth and filamentation $100
Lovasz, Daniel Conference Attendance $800
Moreno, Jaclyn Investigating the Biotransformation of Synthetic Cytokinin Forchlorfenuron (FCF) by the fungi Cunninghamella elegans, Aspergillus brasiliensis (niger), and Beauveria bassiana $800
Myneni, Nishanth Differential Response of MED12 Downregulated Breast Cancer to Targeted Therapy $800
Neal, Jeff Creating Affective Collaborative Adult Teams and Groups Guided by Spiral Dynamic Theory $--
Resendiz, Hessel Common Practicality $800
Rios, Jadan Dinuclear Copper(I) Complexes of 2,2'-bipyrimidine: Synthesis and Characterization $340
Ruvalcaba, Mariana Searching for Light, Ceramic sculpture $800
Santillano, David A Reflection on Feuerbach’s The Essence of Christianity: The Use of Imagination in Christian Religious Belief $800
Silva, Amanda 3rd International Conference Paulo Freire: The Global Legacy $100
Sulaica, Joesph Mixed copper(II) phenanthroline-terpyridine complexes as antitumor agents $553
Thomas, Doleatha (1st presentation): Lived experiences of African American women who pursue their Ph.D. after the age of 50 $800
Tumwine, Patrick Project: Paulo Freire in the Pandemic Classroom for the 3rd International Conference Paulo Freire: The Global Legacy $75
Vasquez, Michelle Making Experiences Actionable: Digital Storytelling for Parents of Children with Autism $1,600
Vequist, Emma Photoreception in the aquatic oligochaete, Lumbriculus variegatus $359
Villarreal, Arianna Peer influence and vaping nicotine and THC/marijuana among young adults $800
Williams, Kahsandra Yoni: Life’s Portal $800

2021 (19 awards, $26,420)

2021 Travel and Project Awards
Awardee Project Title Award
Akula, Shivani MED12 mutations promote SHH signaling in breast cancer $1,800
Deml, Natalie SPOP mutations promote endometrial cancer $1,800
Doan, Victoria Synthesis of the natural compound Callyspongamide A $1,800
Dolechek, Rachel From the Faculty Advisor Lens: Assessment, Training, and the Advising Landscape $450
Duran, Mauren Immunohistochemical Exploration of Synaptic Connections during Regeneration $1,800
Gaeta, Journie Immunohistochemical Exploration of Synaptic Connections during Regeneration $1,800
Galindo, Esther SPOP as an Emerging Key Player in Breast Cancer Oncogenesis $1,800
Gonzalez, Cristian MED12 mutations promote breast cancer by hyper-activating oncogenic signaling pathways $1,800
Hoffman, Allison Technology Use and the Role of Advising in Retention/Persistence: Faculty and Professional Advisor Perspectives $450
Ibarra, Sara Synthesis of the natural compound Callyspongamide A $1,800
Le, Tulan New C7 artemisinin derivatives as antimalarial compounds $1,800
Ruiz, Erica New C7 artemisinin derivatives as antimalarial compounds $1,800
Santizo, Isabelle Impacts of Granite Quarrying: the Case Study of Subsistence Farmers in the Sao Pedro River Valley $1,000
Smith, Elaina Role and Activity of Beta Catenin During the Regeneration Mechanisms of Lumbriculus variegatus $1,800
Vemula, Srikanth VSILS (Visual Storytelling-Intelligent Learning System) $1,000
Wissa, Alison Metabolism of the anti-parasitic drug praziquantel by fungi $1,800
Yilmazli Trout, Inci Collaborative Writing Processes Explored Through Art $1,800
2019-2020 Summary
# Projects # Unique Awardees Total Awarded
158 142 $82,552

2020 (83 awards, $38,498)

2020 Travel and Project Awards
Awardee Project Title Award

2019 (75 awards, $44,054)

2019 Travel and Project Awards
Awardee Project Title Award