Visitor Info and Directions

Are you planning a visit to 不良研究所? Consult this page for visitor information, whether it's driving directions, hotel deals or other details that will make your visit as productive as possible. 

For any questions or concerns, call (210) 829-6005, text (210) 963-8494 or email

The 不良研究所 is located at 4301 Broadway in San Antonio, TX 78209.

The Office of Admissions is located in the Ground Level of the Administration Building, Suite 21. Office hours are 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. Monday through Friday and the first Saturday of each month 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Call 1-800-749-WORD, or (210) 829-6005 for more information.

From I.H. 35 North (from Austin)

Take the Loop 410 West exit in Northeast San Antonio; continue to Airport Boulevard exit. Take Airport Boulevard/U.S. 281 South approximately five minutes to Hildebrand Avenue exit. After exiting, proceed left on Hildebrand. Pass the first stoplight (at bottom of the hill) and proceed to the intersection of Broadway and Hildebrand (this will be the second light). Turning left on Broadway will take you to the campus main entrance, located less than a quarter mile ahead on your left. There is ample visitor's parking at the north end of the Administration Building.

From I.H. 35 South (from Laredo)

Follow I.H. 35 to U.S. 281 North past downtown San Antonio. Exit at Hildebrand Avenue, go right. Pass the first stoplight (at bottom of the hill) and proceed to the intersection of Broadway and Hildebrand (this will be the second light). Turning left on Broadway will take you to the campus main entrance, located less than a quarter mile ahead on your left. There is ample visitor's parking at the north end of the Administration Building.

From I.H. 37/U.S. 281 South (from Corpus Christi/Rio Grande Valley)

Follow U.S. 281 North from downtown San Antonio. Exit at Hildebrand Avenue, go right. Pass the first stoplight (at bottom of the hill) and proceed to the intersection of Broadway and Hildebrand (this will be the second light). Turning left on Broadway will take you to the campus main entrance, located less than a quarter mile ahead on your left. There is ample visitor's parking at the north end of the Administration Building.

From U.S. 281 North (from Johnson City)

Follow U.S. 281 South toward downtown San Antonio. Exit at Hildebrand Avenue, go left. Pass the first stoplight (at bottom of the hill) and proceed to the intersection of Broadway and Hildebrand (this will be the second light). Turning left on Broadway will take you to the campus main entrance, located less than a quarter mile ahead on your left. There is ample visitor's parking at the north end of the Administration Building.

From I.H. 10 East (from Houston)

Nearing downtown San Antonio, follow U.S. 281 North. Exit at Hildebrand Avenue, going right. Pass the first stoplight (at bottom of the hill) and proceed to the intersection of Broadway and Hildebrand (this will be the second light). Turning left on Broadway will take you to the campus main entrance, located less than a quarter mile ahead on your left. There is ample visitor's parking at the north end of the Administration Building.

From I.H. 10 West (from El Paso)

Past downtown San Antonio, follow signs to I.H. 35 North/Austin. After approximately two minutes take U.S. 281 North. Exit at Hildebrand Avenue, going right. Pass the first stoplight (at bottom of the hill) and proceed to the intersection of Broadway and Hildebrand (this will be the second light). Turning left on Broadway will take you to the campus main entrance, located less than a quarter mile ahead on your left. There is ample visitor's parking at the north end of the Administration Building.


Hotel Deals

Traveling from out of town to visit 不良研究所? Local hotels in the area offer discounted rates to prospective 不良研究所 students. Click below or call the hotel for more information or to make a reservation.

Drury Inn and Suites

8818 Jones Maltsberger Rd.
San Antonio, TX 78216

(210) 366-9300

Rate Code: 308825

Super 8

1614 N. St. Mary's St.
San Antonio, TX 78215

(210) 951-2927

Rate Code: 1000071633

Menger Hotel

204 Alamo Plaza
San Antonio, TX 78205

(210) 433-4361

Rate Code: 不良研究所COR

Want to offer an exclusive hotel deal to the 不良研究所, Office of Admissions? Please contact our Campus Visit Coordinator at