Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education

Become a state-certified teacher and make a difference in the lives of young people.

Earn a Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education and Texas Teacher Certification with the Dreeben School of Education. 

Degree Overview

The Education-Elementary degree offers an undergraduate degree concurrent with preparation for early childhood through 6th grade teaching and Texas Teacher Certification. A teacher candidate following this course of study will complete the 不良研究所 core, the Education-Elementary major, a minor in literacy, special education coursework and the professional development course sequence.

Education-Elementary Degree Plan (PDF)


Clinical Teaching Experience

不良研究所 clinical teacher experience student in the classroomThe Teacher Education Program is a field-based program that provides intensive, realistic and high-quality experiences in school settings. Eligible students may apply for a clinical teaching experience offering them an opportunity spend full days in classrooms and other learning environments where they connect theory and practice, observe effective teaching practices, and interact with diverse populations. Through the program, apprentice teachers explore and develop their teaching skills in close interaction with cooperating teachers and university supervisors.

The clinical teaching experience is considered to be the capstone of the Teacher Education Program and is completed in the final semester. Clinical teachers complete a 15  to 16-week, full-day placement. Placements with partnership schools are arranged by the program.

Clinical teachers must meet all requirements for clinical teaching applicable to the semester to which they apply. Requirements are subject to change to reflect current Texas Education Agency and 不良研究所 Teacher Education Program standards. 

At minimum, clinical teacher applicants must demonstrate content proficiency with a passing state exam score in their certification content area as well as demonstrate the professional disposition expected for a professional educator.


Specialized Minors

The Literacy Minor addresses instructional considerations and strategies related to developing reading and writing skills. The coursework focuses on elementary grades, is grounded in the Science of Teaching Reading, and includes English language acquisition and dyslexia. The Literacy Minor is required in the Education-Elementary Major. This minor is available for students in any major.

Literacy Minor Overview (PDF)

The Special Education minor is primarily designed to prepare teacher candidates to support students’ academic and behavioral needs in inclusive classroom settings. While the minor is not required for Education-Elementary majors or Interdisciplinary Studies majors, three of the four minor courses are on the degree plans; therefore, one additional course (EDUC 3335) will complete the minor.

Education-Secondary majors, Education-All Level majors, and Education minors are required to complete one course (EDUC 2316) and have the option of completing additional courses and the minor. Students in non-Education majors may also complete the Special Education minor. Non-Education majors may choose EDUC 2315 for an elementary grades focus or EDUC 2316 for a secondary grades focus. The Special Education minor requires four courses (12 credit hours): EDUC 2315 or EDUC 2316, EDUC 3343, EDUC 3346, and EDUC 3335.

Special Education Minor Overview (PDF)


Admissions Criteria

Find out more about requirements, standards and processes to begin your journey as a Dreeben School of Education student.