Degree Plan

Fashion Management majors choose from one of two degree concentrations below.

Bachelor of Science in Fashion Management with a concentration in Apparel Production and Design

Students who choose the Apparel Production and Design concentration develop skill sets within the Business to Business (B2B) sector of the design and manufacturing side of the fashion industry. Students must develop a global perspective of emerging economies through the understanding of trade agreements, global employment practices, and sustainability of resources.

不良研究所 Core - Total Hours 43
Major Core - Total Hours 61
Concentration - Total Hours 21
Degree - Total Hours 125

B.S. in Fashion Management - Apparel Production and Design 4-year degree plan (PDF).
Fall of Freshman Year
Fall Hours
FMGT 1111 Orientation 1
FADS 1305 Intro to Fashion 3
FMGT 1310 Apparel Construction (studio) 3
FADS 1310 Fashion Patternmaking Concepts 3
ENGL 1311 Composition 1 * 3
DWHP 1200 Dimensions of Wellness * 2
Total Hours 15
Spring of Freshman Year
Spring Hours
FMGT 1301 Computer Applications (studio) 3
FADS 2331 Flat Pattern a(studio) 3
ENGL 1312 Composition 2 * 3
PHIL 1381 Introduction to Philosophy * 3
Fine Arts * 3
PE Activity Course * 1
Total Hours 16
* = 不良研究所 Core Requirements. These courses are generally offered in the fall, spring and summer semesters.
a = First-year assessment test is administered at the end of the spring semester, FADS 2331.
Fall of Sophomore Year
Fall Hours
FMGT 2350 Promotional Strategies I 3
FADS 2310 Fashion Technical Drawing (studio) 3
FMGT 2341 Textiles 3
ENGL 2310 World Literature Studies * 3
Science + lab (recommend CHEM 1308 + Chem 1108 Science of Art) * 4
Total Hours 16
Spring of Sophomore Year
Spring Hours
FMGT 3340 Textile Product Analysis 3
Fashion Elective 1 (studio) 3
FMGT 3323 Fashion History 3
Math 1304, 1306, 1308 or 2303 * 3
RELS 1305; 1315;1325;1327; or 1335 * 3
Total Hours 15

* = 不良研究所 Core Requirements. These courses are generally offered in the fall, spring and summer semesters.

Fall of Junior Year
Fall Hours
FMGT 3355 Fashion Operations Mgmt I 3
FMGT 4340 Computer Aided Design (studio) 3
FADS 3320 Market Construction (studio) 3
Choose 1: COMM 1301 Public speaking or DMTS Creativity in Practice 3
Language * 3
Total Hours 15
Spring of Junior Year
Spring Hours
FMGT 3335 Technical Line Development (studio) 3
Fashion Elective 2 (studio) 3
FMGT 4331 Fashion Promotional Studies 3
FMGT 4335 Professional Development 3
Language * 3
Total Hours 15
Summer of Junior Year
Summer Hours
FMGT 4388 Internship 3
Total Hours 3

* = 不良研究所 Core Requirements. These courses are generally offered in the fall, spring and summer semesters.

Fall of Senior Year
Fall Hours
FADS 3330 Apparel Product Design (studio) 3
Fashion Elective 3 (studio) 3
FMGT 4350 Global Fashion Economics 3
HIST 1311, 1312, 1321, or 1322 * 3
Social Science * 3
Total Hours 15
Spring of Senior Year
Spring Hours
FMGT 4390 Capstone (studio) 3
Choose 1: FMGT 4307 Dress Theory or FMGT 4392 Fashion Study Tour 3
FMGT 3345 Sustainability in Fashion 3
Fashion Elective 4 (studio) 3
Upper level Philosophy or Religious Studies * 3
Total Hours 15

* = 不良研究所 Core Requirements. These courses are generally offered in the fall, spring and summer semesters.

Bachelor of Science in Fashion Management with a concentration in Merchandising

Students who choose the Merchandising concentration develop skill sets that emphasize brand management and sales analyses. Both brand management techniques and sales management include visual merchandising, promotions, product buying, and operations management for either Business to Business (B2B) or Business to Consumer (B2C).

不良研究所 Core - Total Hours 43
Major Core - Total Hours 61
Concentration - Total Hours 21
Degree - Total Hours 125

B.S. in Fashion Management - Merchandising 4-year degree plan (PDF).
Fall of Freshman Year
Fall Hours
FMGT 1111 Orientation 1
FADS 1305 Intro to Fashion 3
FMGT 1310 Apparel Construction (studio) 3
FADS 1310 Fashion Patternmaking Concepts 3
ENGL 1311 Composition 1 * 3
DWHP 1200 Dimensions of Wellness * 2
Total Hours 15
Spring of Freshman Year
Spring Hours
FMGT 1301 Computer Applications (studio) 3
MATH 1304, 1306, 1308 or 2303  3
ENGL 1312 Composition 2 * 3
PHIL 1381 Introduction to Philosophy * 3
Fine Arts * 3
PE Activity Course * 1
Total Hours 15

* = 不良研究所 Core Requirements. These courses are generally offered in the fall, spring and summer semesters.

Fall of Sophomore Year
Fall Hours
FMGT 2350 Promotional Strategies I 3
ACCT 2301 Accounting 1 3
FMGT 2341 Textiles 3
ENGL 2310 World Literature Studies * 3
Science with Lab (Recommend CHEM 1308 + CHEM 1108) 4
Total Hours 16
Spring of Sophomore Year
Spring Hours
FMGT 3340 Textile Product Analysis 3
FADS 2310 Fashion Technical Drawing 3
FMGT 3323 Fashion History 3
BMKT 3331 Principles of Marketing 3
RELS 1305; 1315;1325;1327; or 1335 * 3
Total Hours 15

* = 不良研究所 Core Requirements. These courses are generally offered in the fall, spring and summer semesters.

Fall of Junior Year
Fall Hours
FMGT 3355 Fashion Operations Mgmt I 3
FMGT 4340 Computer Aided Design (studio) 3
BMGT 3340 Management Theory/Practice 3
Choose 1: COMM 1301 Public speaking or DMTS Creativity in Practice 3
Language I* 3
Total Hours 15
Spring of Junior Year
Spring Hours
FMGT 3335 Technical Line Development (studio) 3
FMGT 3383 Fashion Operations Mgmt II 3
FMGT 4331 Fashion Promotional Studies 3
FMGT 4335 Professional Development 3
Language II* 3
Total Hours 15
Summer of Junior Year
Summer Hours
FMGT 4388 Internship 3
Total Hours 3

* = 不良研究所 Core Requirements. These courses are generally offered in the fall, spring and summer semesters.

Fall of Senior Year
Fall Hours
BINT 3331 International Business 3
FMGT 4350 Global Fashion Economics 3
MIS 2321 Intro to Information Systems 3
HIST 1311, 1312, 1321, or 1322 * 3
Social Science * 3
Total Hours 15
Spring of Senior Year
Spring Hours
FMGT 4390 Capstone (studio) 3
Choose 1: FMGT 4307 Dress Theory or FMGT 4392 Fashion Study Tour 3
FMGT 3345 Sustainability in Fashion 3
BLAW 3317 Business Law 3
Upper level Philosophy or Religious Studies * 3
Total Hours 15

* = 不良研究所 Core Requirements. These courses are generally offered in the fall, spring and summer semesters.