Degree Plan

Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry

The Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry is designed to give students a strong foundation in the chemical and biological sciences providing for employment or future study in a variety of specialized areas. This degree is recommended for students pursuing a career in biotechnology, medical research, pharmaceutical chemistry or the health professions.

不良研究所 Core - Total Hour 43
Major - Total Hours 61
Degree - Total Hours 120

Course Hours
CHEM 1301: Chemical Principles I 3
CHEM 1101: Chemical Principles I Lab 1
BIOL 1402: Unity of Life and Lab 4
DWHP 1200: Dimension of Wellness 2
ENGL 1311: Composition I 3
Total hours 16
Course Hours
CHEM 1302: Chemical Principles II 3
CHEM 1102: Chemical Principles II Lab 1
BIOL 1403: Evolution, Ecology, and Biodiversity 4
MATH 1311: Pre-Calculus 3
ENGL 1312: Composition II 3
Total hours 15
Fall Hours
CHEM 2311: Organic Chemistry I 3
CHEM 2111: Organic Chemistry I Lab 1
MATH 2312: Calculus I 3
BIOL 3311 or BIOL 3361 3
PHIL 1381: Introduction to Philosophy 3
Modern Language I 3
Total hours 16
Course Hours
CHEM 2312: Organic Chemistry II 3
CHEM 2112: Organic Chemistry II Lab 1
MATH 2313: Calculus II 3
BIOL 3311 or BIOL 3361 or BIOL3202 (2 or 3 hours) 3
Modern Language II 3
Total hours 16
Course Hours
CHEM 4351: Biochemistry I 3
CHEM 4251: Biochemistry I Lab 2
CHEM 3160: Introduction to Chemistry Research and Careers 1
BIOL 3471 4
PHYS 2305: Physics I 3
PHYS 2105: Physics I Lab 1
Total hours 14
Course Hours
CHEM 3321: Quantitative Analysis 3
CHEM 3221: Quantitative Analysis Lab 2
CHEM 4352: Biochemistry II 3
CHEM 4252: Biochemistry II Lab 2
CHEM 4260: Advanced Chemistry Research 2
PHYS 2306: Physics II 3
PHYS 2106: Physics II Lab 1
Total hours 16
Course Hours
CHEM 4331: Physical Chemistry: Thermodynamics 3
CHEM 4231 Physical Chemistry: Thermodynamics Lab 2
Fine Arts 3
Social Science 3
Total hours 14
Course Hours
Chemistry Elective (upper division) (3 or 4 hours) 4
Elective (upper division) 3
Elective 3
ENGL 2310: World Literature Studies 3
Total hours 13

Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry - Pre-Medicine Concentration

The Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Biochemistry program has a Pre-Medicine (pre-med) concentration for students wanting to pursue medical school after graduating with their undergraduate degree. The courses in the pre-med program are aligned with the admissions criteria for all medical schools in Texas and a large number in other states.

不良研究所 Core - Total Hour 43
Major - Total Hours 61
Degree - Total Hours 120

Course Hours
CHEM 1301: Chemical Principles I 3
CHEM 1101: Chemical Principles I Lab 1
MATH 1311: Pre-Calculus* 3
PSYC 1301: Psychology 3
ENGL 1311: Composition I 3
DWHP 1200: Dimensions of Wellness 2
Total hours 15
Course Hours
CHEM 1302: Chemical Principles II 3
CHEM 1102: Chemical Principles II Lab 1
MATH 2312: Calculus I 3
BIOL 1402: General Biology 1 and Lab* 4
ENGL 1312: Composition II 3
PEHP 11XX* 1
Total hours 15

*Core curriculum

Course Hours
CHEM 2311: Organic Chemistry I 3
CHEM 2111: Organic Chemistry I Lab 1
MATH 2313 Calculus II 3
CHEM 3160: Intro to Research (fall-only course) 1
CIOL 3311: Cell Biology 3
General Elective 3
PHIL 1381: Intro to Philosophy 3
Total hours 17
Course Hours
CHEM 2312: Organic Chemistry II 3
CHEM 2112: Organic Chemistry II Lab 1
MATH 2303: Statistics 3
SOCI 1311 Sociology* 3
CHEM 4260: Advanced Chemical Research 2
BIOL 3471: General Microbiology 4
Total hours 16

*Core curriculum

Course Hours
CHEM 4351: Biochemistry I 3
CHEM 4251: Biochemistry I Lab 2
BIOL 3430 Animal Physiology 3
Advanced BIOL Elective 3
PHYS 2305: Physics I 3
PHYS 2105: Physics I Lab 1
Total hours 15
Course Hours
CHEM 4352: Biochemistry II (spring-only course) 3
CHEM 4252: Biochemistry II Lab (spring-only course) 2
BIOL 4199: MCAT Prep 1
Advanced Biochemistry Elective 3
PHYS 2306: Physics II 3
PHYS 2106: Physics II Lab 1
Total hours 13
Course Hours
CHEM 4331: Physical Chemistry: Thermodynamics (fall-only course) 3
CHEM 3321: Quantitative Analysis 3
CHEM 3221: Quantitative Analysis Lab 2
RELS 13XX* 3
Modern Language I* 3
Total hours 14
Course Hours
PHIL 4350: Advanced Philosophy: Bioethics 3
Fine Arts* 3
ENGL 2310: World Literature Studies* 3
Modern Language II* 3
HIST 13XX* 3
Total hours 15

*Core curriculum