Internships and Opportunities

School of Mathematics, Science and Engineering students have many opportunities to build work skills and professional experience.


AVS Lab Research Assistant

An AVS Lab Research Assistant is responsible for research collaboration with other research assistants across a wide range of fields of study at 不良研究所. Their research is vital to continuing the work within the lab and for their future studies, experimentation, and papers. An AVS Lab Research Assistant will do research in UAS platforms, 3D mapping, weather modeling, robotics, programming, and artificial intelligence. The AVS Lab is managed by Engineering faculty Dr. Michael Frye.


Biology Internships

Biology students can earn up to three upper division credit hours per semester (maximum of 6 hours) by participating in the Undergraduate Research designed to provide an undergraduate research experience in laboratories at . The student will provide an unforgettable research experience where they will be working with scientists conducting basic and translational research in the fields of immunology, infectious disease, diagnostics, and molecular biology. This is an ideal opportunity for students pursuing a degree in the medical, dental or biomedical research fields. Sophomores, juniors and seniors are highly encouraged to participate. This program has also provided students with further opportunities including admission to competitive graduate programs, paid internships and post-graduation employment.

For more information contact Dr. Ana C. Vallor:

How do you get more information?

Part 1

  1. Send an email to Dr. Ana Vallor expressing your interest. Dr. Vallor will then set up a Zoom meeting to discuss the course further such as how you will earn your grade beyond conducting research at these locations.
  2. Sophomore and juniors are highly encouraged to apply, as well as seniors.
  3. Laboratory experience (at least 2 semesters worth of either in the classroom/ face to face or as a research assistant conducting molecular, microbial or biochemistry experiments) is preferred in particular if Texas Biomedical is your choice.
  4. Be able to find time in your schedule so that you may go and work at these locations for a total of 10 hours a week. (Consecutive days are preferred but not required).

Part 2

  1. After a brief interview, if it is decided that the student is a good fit, then the student will be signed into the course to allow them to register.
  2. Student will then contact the students to complete the full application to these institutions for placement.

Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) at the Marine Biological Laboratory

Managed by Biology faculty Dr. Veronica Acosta, this summer research experience is open to students who are pursuing graduate degrees as a part of their career trajectories. This program is one of 100 National Science Foundation REU programs across the country that 不良研究所 students are eligible to apply for.


Welch Summer Research Program Opportunities

Each summer a group of Chemistry students are selected to work with faculty for a research experience which lasts five weeks. Participating students are paid a stipend and thus cannot also receive credit for CHEM 4260, though frequently students will enroll in the course in the fall to continue the projects they started in the summer.