Services for Student Organizations
Services Available to Student Organizations
The following services are available to registered student organizations:
Assistance in Planning and Running a Successful Organization
Experienced professional staff can help you plan and implement successful events as well as help you identify problems and suggest approaches and solutions.
Assistance in Recruiting
University Events & Student Programs will advise you about making promotional literature about your student organization.
Establishment of an Agency Account
A student organization agency account can be established in the Business Office that provides the following benefits:
- The ability to use the University's purchasing system thereby avoiding state sales tax
- Coverage of funds against theft
- Continuity of account when officers change
Poster Approval
The Campus Life Office approves posters, banners, and other forms of publicity for distribution or display on all public bulletin boards. Butcher paper and markers are available at the Student Center for making signs.
SGA Officers
SGA Officers and Senators are resources to assist every student organization. Feel free to stop by the office with questions, issue, compliments, and concerns.
Every registered organization is provided a mailbox at the Campus Post Office, if available. Each organization is issued a mailbox key once by the Post Master. If the key is lost, the replacement fee is $10. It is recommended that you check your box at least weekly for information and important messages. If your organization uses the University as its mailing address, be sure your address is as follows:
(Name of your organization)
(Your campus box number)
4301 Broadway
San Antonio, Texas 78209
Tables and chairs can be reserved through Special Events. Audio-visual equipment can be reserved through the Media Center. A popcorn popper is also available for organization use. To reserve it, contact the Student Center Manager at
University Facilities
The UESP Staff and the Director of Special Events will assist in finding and reserving appropriate facilities for your events. Please refer to the Event Approval Form.
University Vehicles
Registered student organizations can request the use of university vehicles for approved events as vehicles are available. The driver must be 21 or older and be a registered driver. In order to become a registered driver, the student must go to the Human Resources Office and submit his/her name, driver's license and date of birth. A Motor Vehicle check is run which takes about two weeks. If the driver has a clear record, he/she may be approved to become a registered driver and be eligible to drive University vehicles. Your event must be approved before reserving a vehicle. To check on availability and make reservations for a vehicle, call Vehicle Services at 829-3907.