Frequently Asked Questions

Below are common inquiries we receive. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact our Secretary/Venue Manager, at (210) 829-3855 or by email at music@uiwtx.edu.
Practice rooms are available to students enrolled in MUAP courses, music ensembles, Class Piano or Singing for Beginners. General student population use is not permitted. 
Facilities in the Luella Bennack Music Center are limited to student organizations with a music faculty advisor. Exceptions are by permission of the Department of Music chair. 
A limited number of private lessons are available to non-music majors based on teacher availability. Students must register for private lessons like any course and pay the associated fees, if applicable. Instructor permission is required. Some of our faculty members also teach lessons outside of 不良研究所 in their private studios. Please email music@uiwtx.edu with your contact information and the instrument/voice on which you wish to have lessons for additional information.  

Currently, we have a bulletin board where we post job opportunities for music students. If you would like to hire a student for your event, please email Evan Feist, efeist@uiwtx.edu, and provide the following information: 

Name and contact information 

Event Date (include any required rehearsal dates) 

The proposed rate of pay 

Type of performer you are looking for (example: pianist, baritone, violinist, etc.) 

Deadline for making arrangements 

map of lbmc area on campus

The Luella Bennack Music Center is located at the corner of Hildebrand and Broadway.  


Venues in the Luella Bennack Music Center are available for rental based on availability and the current music class schedule. Please refer to the Bennack Music Center for more information.  
All music ensemble classes (MUEN), all applied lessons (MUAP), certain music history classes open to non-majors (MUSI), group voice, piano and guitar classes (MUSI).