Course Descriptions

Bachelor of Arts in Theatre Arts

For a full list of all courses offered by the Department of Theatre Arts, visit the

Core Courses

Students have a laboratory experience in acting, stage management, and the design, construction and handling of scenery, lighting, sound, properties, costumes and publicity.

This course introduces the art of acting for the student wishing to major in Theatre Arts. The course focuses on the basic principles and techniques of realistic acting, based upon the methods of Constantine Stanislavsky. Satisfies Core Fine Arts requirement for Theatre majors.

This course is a continuation of the study of the art and technique of acting, with the major focus on the process of characterization and scene study. Fee.

Prerequisite: THAR 1321

Intended for Theatre Arts majors and minors, this course introduces the process of theatrical production as well as the academic study of theatre, its history, art and craft. Fee. Satisfies Core Fine Arts requirement.

Students have a laboratory experience in acting, stage management, and the design, construction and handling of scenery, lighting, sound, properties, costumes and publicity. Fee. 

Prerequisite: THAR 1191

THAR 2193 Students have a laboratory experience in acting, stage management, and the design, construction and handling of scenery, lighting, sound, properties, costumes and publicity. THAR 2193 may be repeated for credit. Fee.  

Prerequisite: THAR 2192

Students examine the basic terminology and procedures of scenery and costume construction, lighting, properties and backstage organization. It includes a laboratory experience in these production aspects. Fee. 

Prerequisite: THAR 1380

Students explore the application of scenic, costume and lighting principles and formats. Skills include drawing, painting and model making techniques for the expression of theatrical design. Satisfies Core Fine Arts requirement.

This course examines text analysis for the actor, director and designer using an overview of texts from the Greeks to contemporary dramatic literature. The structural architecture of the scripts and the original contexts and performance conditions are studied.

THAR 3194 Students have an advanced laboratory experience in acting, directing, and stage management, as well as the design, construction and handling of scenery, lighting, sound, properties and costumes.  

Prerequisite: THAR 2193 and permission from instructor is required

THAR 3195 Students have an advanced laboratory experience in acting, directing, and stage management, as well as the design, construction and handling of scenery, lighting, sound, properties and costumes.

Prerequisite: THAR 2193 and permission from instructor is required

Students examine the development of Western theatre from ancient times through the 18th century. This course includes the reading of representative plays. This is the writing-intensive course for the major.

Students examine the development of Western theatre since 1800 and read representative plays. Fall.

Prerequisite: THAR 3381

THAR 4196 Students have a laboratory experience in stage management, directing, and the design, construction and handling of scenery, lighting, sound, properties, costumes, publicity and box office. Fee.

Prerequisite: THAR 3195

This course is an introduction to the role of the Director in the production of plays for the stage, structural and critical thinking, casting, and rehearsing a play, and includes preparation of scenes for laboratory presentation.

Prerequisite: THAR 1322 and THAR 2361

This capstone experience for Theatre Arts majors provides an opportunity to integrate previous knowledge as well as to pursue individual theatre-related goals.

Prerequisite: 4331


Students actively explore stage movement (including open-handed stage combat and character mask work) in order to develop the performer's physical self-awareness and the basic movement tools used to embody dramatic characters. Fee.

Students learn the fundamentals of correct voice production and clear speech as it applies to acting for the stage, presentation of portfolio and audition.

Students explore special problems in acting related to verse texts, e.g., the Greeks, Shakespeare and Moliere. May be repeated for credit. Fee.

Prerequisite: THAR 1322

This course is a continuation of the study of the art and technique of acting, with the major focus on the various genres and styles, i.e., Realism, Restoration, Greek or Postmodern. The course expands on the student's knowledge of concentration, observation, setting objectives, planning tactics and overcoming obstacles. May be repeated for credit. Fee.

Prerequisite: THAR 1322

This course is designed for Theatre Arts majors as a continuation of the study of the art and technique of acting, with major focus on advanced scene study. Fee.

Prerequisites: THAR 1322 and completion of 65 credit hours or permission of instructor.

Students examine the theory and practice of play production for the child audience, with laboratory application. Fee.

Prerequisite: THAR 1322

Students explore process-oriented, non-exhibitional theatre activities: theatre games with emphasis on movement, pantomime, improvisation and story dramatization to enhance the creative development of the individual. Fee.


Students examine and apply the costume-design process from research methods to painted sketches.

Prerequisite: THAR 1380 AND THAR 2361

Students explore and apply sewing techniques, flat patterning and draping skills for the stage. Fee.

Coordination of the visual scenic elements that comprise a theatrical production and an introduction to theatre graphics. Laboratory experiences in Scenic Design. Fee.

Prerequisites: THAR 1380, 2361 or permission of the instructor.

An investigation of how light reveals form and the application of basic principles and tools to control light effectively on stage. The course includes research, direct observation, and practical experience. Fee.

Prerequisite: THAR 2360 and THAR 2361.

Students undertake a chronological study of western dress and its relationship to society and culture from ancient Egyptian to contemporary times. The course includes a study of movement for the actor in period dress.

General Studies

Students undertake intensive research and writing in a selected area conducted under the supervision of the faculty. Departmental approval required.

A symposium course that may focus on a number of different topics, such as American theatre history, dramaturgy, playwriting, American musical theatre, and other selected topics. May be repeated for credit.

Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor.