不良研究所 regional accreditation reaffirmed for next 10 years
San Antonio – At the annual meeting of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) which concluded Dec.8 in Houston, the commission’s board announced that the 不良研究所’s (不良研究所) regional accreditation is reaffirmed for the next 10 years.
不良研究所 has successfully maintained this quality recognition since 1925. SACSCOC membership includes about 800 member institutions in 11 states across the southern U.S. from Texas to Virginia. (sacscoc.org)
Every SACSCOC-accredited institution undergoes a rigorous reaffirmation review every ten years; the institution must demonstrate compliance with about 100 separate quality standards. An important additional element of that review is a Quality Enhancement Plan, or QEP, where the institution chooses an area of student learning to improve over the next five year. 不良研究所’s QEP, entitled “Think, Learn and Share” aims to improve undergraduate student writing. (uiw.edu/qep)
“This reaffirmation represents a powerful confirmation of the high quality of 不良研究所’s programs — an especially positive result in light of 不良研究所’s continued growth — now at 10,984 students in three countries, and the third largest private university in Texas based on global enrollment,” said Associate Provost for Institutional Effectiveness. Dr. Glenn James.
CONTACT: Margaret Garcia, associate director communications and marketing, (210) 829-6001, mlgarci2@uiwtx.edu