Internal Funding for Faculty
The Office of Research offers several opportunities and resources for faculty to find funding for their research and research-related endeavors. Our office manages internal awards for faculty, assists with external funding searches and provides support and resources for researchers seeking grants.
Faculty Research Awards Competitions
The Office of Research and Graduate Studies supports several internal programs offered to assist faculty with research and scholarship:
- The 1881 Commemorative Research Award (1881)
- The Faculty Endowment Research Award (FERA)
- The Faculty Graduate Research/Teaching Assistant Award (FGRA)
- The Faculty Workload Reassignment Award (FWRA)
- The Geneva R Johnson (GRJ) Award for Research in Physical Therapy (PT) Education
Applications are sought in the Fall and Spring and awarded for the next academic year's Summer, Fall, and Spring. See our application portal for more details.
Faculty Awards
The 1881 Commemorative Award for Faculty Development Fund was established with the generous support of Lt. Col. Philip J. Piccione and Col. Jean M. Migliorino Piccione to both celebrate the 1881 founding year of the University and encourage faculty development. The goal is to foster faculty professional development and to recognize the leadership of an individual faculty member in relation to the University’s Mission. Projects may be proposed that will allow an individual faculty member the opportunity to develop new skills, research areas or initiatives.
Awards are for projects in a one-year period, from June 1 to May 31. Individuals may apply for an award of up to $3,000.*
*The actual amount may vary from year to year based on the actual income earned by the 1881 Commemorative Award for Faculty Development Fund.
Please see our site. The competition displays when the submission window is open.
Award Amount
Up to $3,000
Full-time 不良研究所 faculty who are U.S. citizens are eligible to apply for the award to help finance professional development efforts including, but not limited to, research, the furtherance of education and training, travel, and fees for seminars and conferences.
Application Components
The completed application packet must include:
- Cover Sheet: fillable online form
- Project Impact: How does the project relate to the mission of the university?
- (2-page maximum) UPLOAD as an attachment
- (7-page maximum) UPLOAD as an attachment
- Statement of problem/purpose.
- Project Description
- Project Outcomes
- Timeline
- Bibliographic Reference/Works Cited.
- (1 page) UPLOAD as an attachment
- Indicate costs for any project materials and activities associated with the project. List the total of all project expenses. In the budget justification, provide detailed information on the individual items required, including how costs were determined, for the project’s completion.
- Allowable Costs:
- Funds are to be used for the out-of-pocket expenses for the project that are not already covered by other sponsoring agencies or are resources not available on campus.
- Unallowable Costs:
- Payment of salaries
- Paid research assistants (See GRA award application for potential research assistantships)
- Office supplies
- Printing
- Office equipment, including laptops or computers
- Stipends, donations, scholarships, and/or tuition costs
Evaluation Criteria
The goal of the award is to support and encourage faculty development. Although the quality and significance of the work proposed is of paramount importance, consideration will be given to other factors that are relevant to the Mission, vision and advancement of the university. All completed applications that are submitted online will be reviewed by the Faculty Research Awards Committee. Please write your submissions to a general audience and be sure to define acronyms or field-specific jargon.
The Faculty Research Awards Committee will review the proposals and make recommendations to the Office of Research and Graduate Studies. Each section of the application will be reviewed and evaluated. Some of the major areas that will be evaluated are, but not limited to:
- Significance of the study to the discipline.
- Budget is justified and within reason for completion of the study.
- Overall proposal adheres to the guidelines, page limits, and is within the purpose of the award to encourage research that will lead to further funding from external sources.
- The project advances the Mission of the university.
The Faculty Endowment Research Award was established to provide limited support for new and ongoing faculty research projects. The award is considered "seed money" for research, in that the project should lead to further funding from external sources if continued support is needed and normally available in the area of research.
Please see our site. The competition displays when the submission window is open.
Award Amount
Requests of up to $8,000 will be considered based on need and available funds. However, modest proposals with thoughtfully considered budgets are preferred to ensure the greatest number of projects are able to be supported.
Awards will be granted on a competitive basis. Full-time 不良研究所 faculty are eligible to apply. Awards are for collaborative or individual research projects at any stage of the research. A collaborative project may include part-time as well as full-time faculty from any college or school.
Faculty may be included in more than one proposal (e.g., for an individual project and a collaborative project), but may only serve as the principal investigator on one of the proposed projects. The principal investigator must be in full control of the project and be the principal author of the final report.
Multiyear projects require submission of proposals each year for evaluation. The previous year’s awardees are only eligible to reapply in consecutive years if they have submitted the awarded project’s final report to the Office of Research and Graduate Studies.
Funding Limits
The total maximum amount that can be requested is $8,000. Rollover or project extensions into the next fiscal year are not allowed. Any awarded funds must be used within the fiscal year.
Applications may propose budgets for supplies, books, equipment, travel that is necessary to complete the research (not travel to conferences or professional development workshops), and other expenses.
Applicants must disclose if they are seeking or have received other funding for the same research project. This includes any internal funds from other departments. For projects requiring budgets over $8,000, cost-sharing from other departments or external funders is encouraged.
Application Components
The completed application packet must include:
- Cover Sheet: fillable online form
- Project Impact: How does the project relate to the mission of the university?
- (2-page maximum) UPLOAD as an attachment
- (7-page maximum) UPLOAD as an attachment
- Statement of problem/purpose
- Project Description
- Project Outcomes
- Timeline
- Bibliographic Reference/Works Cited
- (1 page) UPLOAD as an attachment
- Indicate costs for any project materials and activities associated with the project. List the total of all project expenses. In the budget justification, provide detailed information on the individual items required, including how costs were determined, for the project’s completion.
- Allowable Costs:
- Funds are to be used for the out-of-pocket research expenses for the project that are not already covered by other sponsoring agencies or are resources not available on campus. Examples include:
- Supplies
- Expenses for data collection, fieldwork or archival research
- Software necessary to the project that is not already available on campus
- Participant incentives if it is justified and essential to the project
- Equipment necessary for the project that is not already available on campus
- Funds are to be used for the out-of-pocket research expenses for the project that are not already covered by other sponsoring agencies or are resources not available on campus. Examples include:
- Unallowable Costs:
- Travel to present findings or attend professional development workshops
- Payment of salaries
- Paid research assistants (See GRA award application for potential research assistantships)
- Office supplies
- Printing
- Office equipment, including laptops or computers
- Stipends, donations, scholarships and/or tuition costs
5. Research Compliance (Check box question)
Evaluation Criteria
The goal of the award is to support and encourage faculty research and creative scholarship. Although the quality and significance of the work proposed is of paramount importance, consideration will be given to other factors that are relevant to the mission, vision and advancement of the university. All completed applications that are submitted online will be reviewed by the Faculty Research Awards Committee. Please write your submissions to a general audience and be sure to define acronyms or field-specific jargon.
The Faculty Research Awards Committee will review the proposals and make recommendations to the Office of Research and Graduate Studies. Each section of the application will be reviewed and evaluated. Some of the major areas that will be evaluated are, but not limited to:
- Significance of the study to the discipline and to the university’s strategic plan.
- Design of the project based on methodology and theoretical, conceptual or aesthetic framework.
- Budget is justified and within reason for completion of the study.
- Overall proposal adheres to the guidelines, page limits, and is within the purpose of the award to encourage research that will lead to further funding from external sources.
- The proposal has a high chance of competing for external funds.
- The project advances the mission of the university.
The Faculty Graduate Research Assistantship Award (FGRA) was established to provide faculty with research assistance for their scholarly endeavors leading to publication and to provide institutional financial support to graduate students within the context of a mentored research experience. We are also accepting requests for teaching assistantships through this award.
- The award is made for two semesters, and a faculty member may re-apply for subsequent awards.
- Assistantship time is restricted to research or teaching activities and the expected workload is 150 hours per semester.
- Faculty shall, when appropriate, share authorship with the FGRA, and at all times, shall acknowledge the student's work in publications that report research to which the student has contributed.
Please see our site. The competition displays when the submission window is open.
Award Amount
Tuition benefit of 3 credit hours to student’s account per semester for two semesters.
Full-time 不良研究所 faculty are eligible to apply. Awards are for collaborative or individual research projects at any stage of the research.
Application Components
The application process occurs online.
- Cover Sheet
- Project Impact: How does the project relate to the mission of the university?
- (2-page maximum) UPLOAD as an attachment
- or teaching assignment description (7-page maximum) UPLOAD as an attachment
- Statement of Problem/Purpose
- Timeline
- Research Compliance (Check box question)
- FGRA/TA Job Description (text boxes in application)
Evaluation Criteria
The goal of the award is to encourage faculty research, creative scholarship, as well as support students with mentored research or teaching experience. Although the quality and significance of the work proposed is of paramount importance, consideration will be given to other factors that are relevant to the mission, vision and advancement of the university. All completed applications that are submitted online will be reviewed by the Faculty Research Awards Committee.
The Faculty Research Awards Committee is composed of faculty across a number of backgrounds. Please write your submissions to a general audience and be sure to define acronyms or field-specific jargon.
Each section of the application will be reviewed and evaluated. Some of the major areas that will be evaluated are, but not limited to:
- Significance of the study to the discipline and to the university’s strategic plan.
- Design of the project based on methodology and theoretical, conceptual or aesthetic framework.
- Overall proposal adheres to the guidelines, page limits and is within the purpose of the award.
- The project advances the mission of the university.
The Faculty Workload Reassignment Award was established to provide full-time faculty the opportunity to seek reassignment of workload responsibilities (25% time or 3 credit hours) in support of individual research and scholarship objectives relevant to their personal growth or to pursue special projects relevant to their departments or college/schools. Five one-semester workload reassignments will be awarded as part of the annual competition.
Please see our site. The competition displays when the submission window is open.Award
Reassignment of workload responsibilities (25% time or 3 credit hours) in either the Fall or Spring semester.
Full-time 不良研究所 Broadway campus* faculty are eligible to apply for the award for individual research, scholarship or a special project that is beyond the normal workload. This award is not for work that falls within the normal scope of full-time faculty responsibilities such as completion of a literature review or editing a completed paper.
* Broadway campus includes full-time faculty from the following colleges/schools:
- CHASS - College of Humanities Arts and Social Sciences
- DSE - Dreeben School of Education
- HEBSBA - H-E-B School of Business and Administration
- IFMSNHP - Ila Faye Miller School of Nursing and Health Professions
- SMSE - School of Math, Science and Engineering
- SMD - School of Media and Design
Application Process
- This award program typically runs in the Fall semester of the current academic year and assesses requests for the Fall and Spring semesters of the next academic year.
- Prospective faculty applicants start by completing the
- Following authorization, the applicant will receive a link via email to complete their submission
- Submission components required are:
- (2-page maximum)
- (6-page maximum)
- Bibliographic Reference/Works Cited
Evaluation Criteria
The goal of the award is to provide time to encourage faculty research and creative scholarship. Although the quality and significance of the work proposed is of paramount importance, consideration will be given to other factors that are relevant to the mission, vision and advancement of the university.
All completed applications that are submitted online will be reviewed by the Faculty Research Awards Committee. The Faculty Research Awards Committee is composed of faculty across a number of backgrounds. Please write your submissions to a general audience and be sure to define acronyms or field-specific jargon.
To honor Dr. Geneva R. Johnston’s legacy and in the spirit of the purpose of the Geneva R. Johnson Library at the 不良研究所 School of Rehabilitation Sciences, 不良研究所 established an endowed fund to advance physical therapy research. The endowment is named the Geneva R. Johnson Award for Research in Physical Therapy Education. It is awarded to a faculty or post-professional graduate student in Physical Therapy with the project outcome to advance physical therapy education through their scholarly work.
The award will support emerging investigators conducting evidence-based research related to the scholarship of teaching, learning and assessment in physical therapy education. The intended output is new knowledge that can be accessed, read, applied and expanded upon by disseminating their findings.
Please see our site. The competition displays when the submission window is open.Award
Funds will be available annually in the amount of approximately $5,000 - $10,000, depending on the return of the endowment and the frequency of the award.
Full-time School of Rehabilitation Sciences Physical Therapy faculty can apply for the award. This award is not for work that falls within the normal scope of full-time faculty responsibilities, such as completing a literature review or editing a completed paper.
Application Process
- This award program typically runs in the Spring semester of the current academic year and assesses requests for the next academic year.
- Submission components required are:
- (2-page maximum)
- (6-page maximum)
- Bibliographic Reference/Works Cited
- Here are program-specific guidelines
Evaluation Criteria
The award will support emerging investigators conducting evidence-based research related to the scholarship of teaching learning, and assessment in physical therapy education. The intended output is new knowledge that can be accessed, read, applied and expanded upon by disseminating their findings.
A School of Rehabilitation Sciences review panel will review all completed applications submitted online. The Doctor of Physical Therapy program director convenes the panel with approval from the Dean — the panel ideally comprises three members from Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and another Health Professions School. Please write your submissions to a general audience and be sure to define acronyms or field-specific jargon.
Application Preparation
In preparing the proposals for submission, an applicant should remember that the Faculty Research Awards Committee cannot include a specialist in every field. Therefore, the proposal should communicate the significance of the work in a manner that is understood across disciplines but can still include the detail that a content expert would understand as well. Furthermore, proposals must adhere to guidelines on page limits and style. Any section that does not adhere to the page limits will have points deducted during evaluation and any material beyond the allotted page limit will not be reviewed.
Biographical Sketch
(2-page maximum): UPLOAD as an attachment
Include all relevant data in the provided form fields. The biographical sketch may not exceed two pages. Sections should include:
- Personal statement (a paragraph description of the researcher’s expertise and ability to conduct the proposed research)
- Positions and honors
- Selected peer-reviewed publications
- Research support
- Specific scholarship outcomes from past 不良研究所 research support
Indicate N/A for any section irrelevant to the bio sketch.
Project Proposal
(7-page maximum): UPLOAD as an attachment
Statement of Problem/Purpose
The statement of problem/purpose should be clear and concise, directly stating the objective of the project.
Background and Significance
This section should clearly articulate the importance of this study for the researcher’s discipline, 不良研究所 and society. Include relevant literature to support the current status of research in this field and the proposed approach to the study.
Theoretical/Aesthetic Framework
Introduce the theoretical framework or philosophical orientation of the project. Clearly articulate the objectives, hypotheses and/or research questions and ensure they are supportive of the background information and statement of problem/purpose.
Research/Creative Methodology
Quantitative or qualitative research methodology should indicate a logical, clear, and appropriate design, sample and setting, and intervention. Measurement instruments should be congruent with the variable measured. Indicate support for the validity and reliability of processes and instruments. Articulate the methods of data collection and plans for analysis. In the case of human or animal subjects, state measures for protection and describe the risks and benefits of this study.
Non-quantitative or non-qualitative research methodology should present a logical, clear design appropriate to the study.
Artistic project methodology should present a logical, clear design and plans for presentation appropriate to the project.
The timeline should be realistic and organized appropriately for the type of project and outline the progress of the work over the course of the award period.
Bibliographic References (1-page maximum)
Indicate costs for any materials and activities associated with the project. List the total of all project expenses. In the budget justification, provide detailed information on the individual items required, including how costs were determined, for the project’s completion.
Research Compliance
If human or animal subjects will be used for the proposed project, award funds will not be released until the project has appropriate research compliance approval. Approval is not needed in advance of the application. However, please indicate the status of your application (approved, under review, or not yet submitted).
All applications must be submitted online via Submittable.
Award Recipient Guide
Requests for Purchase Orders, Reimbursements, or Check Requests must be submitted using this .
Requests for computing equipment should first contact Chris Nelson at in IT Procurement for an authorized quote before submitting purchase requests. Please see the .
These funds are to be used only for the purposes stated in the proposal and budget. It is understood that these funds will be used for such purposes substantially in accordance with the approved budget. It is also understood that no substantial variances, including the time of expenditures, will be made from the approved budget without the ORGS prior approval in writing.
In general, FERA recipients are allowed a certain degree of latitude to re-budget within and between budget categories to meet unanticipated needs and to make other types of post-award changes. Written approval is required for budget modifications. Recipients shall immediately notify the ORGS of developments that have a significant impact on the award-supported activities. Also, notification shall be given in the case of problems, delays or adverse conditions that materially impair the ability to meet the objectives of the award. This notification shall include a statement of action taken or contemplated, and any assistance needed to resolve the situation.
Budget Modifications must be submitted using the ORGS approved budget templates provided above.
This applies to all faculty awards including
- Faculty Workload Reassignment Award
- Faculty Research Endowment Award
- Faculty Graduate Research Assistant Award
Faculty receiving institutional financial support are required to complete this form to document work completed for institutional assessment, program effectiveness and to retain eligibility for future awards. Attach a single copy of all written materials (book chapters, journal articles, abstracts, posters, grant applications, etc.) completed as a result of the award.
Please submit this form and its attachments within four weeks of the completion of the award period to the ORGS. Electronic submission of all documents and attachments is required.
Frequently Asked Questions
If you meet the award criteria, you may apply for all awards.
Yes, multiyear projects require submission of proposals each year for evaluation. The previous year’s awardees are only eligible to reapply in consecutive years if they have submitted the awarded project’s final report to the Office of Research and Graduate Studies.