Degree Plan

Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science

The Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science degree program shown below is one which incoming freshmen should follow to complete their studies in four years. Those students who transfer in from another institution (or those enrolled 不良研究所 students who change their major to Environmental Science) should follow this schedule as closely as possible. Transfer students need to confer with the Registrar's Office to determine course equivalencies from other institutions.

Download the four-year B.S. in Environmental Science degree plan.

Freshman Year
Fall Semester Credits Spring Semester Credits
ENGL 1311 Composition I 3 ENGL 1312 Composition II 3
DWHP 1200 Dimensions of Wellness 2 PHED X1XX Physical Education 1
ENSC 1410 Introduction to Environmental Science 4 PHYS 1301/1101 General Physics I & Lab 4
MATH 1304 College Algebra 3 BIOL 1402 Unity of Life & Lab 4
METR 1430 Meteorology 4 CHEM 1301 Chem Principles I 3
Total Credits 16 Total Credits 15

Total hours Freshman year - 31

Sophomore Year
Fall Semester Credits Spring Semester Credits
GEOL 1401 Physical Geology 4 RELS 1310 Introduction to Theology 3
CHEM 1302/1102 Chem Principles II & Lab 4 PHIL 1381 Introduction to Philosophy 3
BIOL 1403 Diversity of Life & Lab 4 MATH 2303 Introduction to Statistics 3
ENGL 2310 World Literature Studies 3 BIOL 3442 Ecology and Lab 4
METR 4315 Air Pollution Meteorology 3
Total Credits 15 Total Credits 16

Total hours Sophomore year - 31 hours 

Junior Year
Fall Semester Credits Spring Semester Credits
PHIL or RELS Adv. Elective 3 BIOL 3471 General Microbiology and Lab 4
Foreign Language I 3 Foreign Language II 3
METR 3340 Hydrology 3 HIST 1311 World Civilization 3
GEOL 3450 Environmental Geology 4 ENSC 3410 Research in Soil Conservation 4
METR 1360 Climatology* or Fine Arts Elective** 3
Total Credits 16 Total Credits 14

* Prerequisite for advanced METR electives
** from approved list of courses

Total hours Junior year - 30 hours

Senior Year
Fall Semester Credits Credits Spring Semester Credits
ENSC 4460 Research in Water Quality* 4 ENSC/BIOL/CHEM/GEOL/METR Advanced Elective (4 hrs)*** 4

Social Science (3 hrs)**

3 ENSC/BIOL/CHEM/GEOL/METR Advanced Elective (4 hrs)*** 4
ENSC/BIOL/CHEM/GEOL/METR Advanced Elective (4 hrs)*** 4 ENSC 4315 Environmental Science Research 3
BIOL 44xx Advanced BIOL Elective 4 Elective 3
Total Credits 15 Total Credits 14

* capstone course
** choose from approved list
*** choose from approved list of 3000 and 4000 level courses in Biology, Chemistry, Geology or Meteorology

Total hours Senior year - 29 hours

Degree - Total Hours 121

Plus 45 hours of community service (non-credit)

On occasion, Special Topics in Geology GEOL 4371 and Selected Topics in Geology GEOL 4399 may be offered for junior-level or senior-level Environmental Science majors. Independent Study courses in Geology GEOL 4X98 are subject to eligibility requirements as described in the current 不良研究所 Undergraduate Bulletin.