Degree Plan

Bachelor of Science in Meteorology

The Bachelor of Science in Meteorology program shown below is the recommended plan incoming freshmen should follow to complete their meteorological study requirements, as well as the required math minor, in four years. Students who need mathematics courses pre-requisite to Pre-Calculus should consult a meteorology advisor, in addition to a general advisor, upon entry to the program to ensure timely completion of degree requirements.

Transfer Students

All students who transfer to this program from another institution, or enrolled 不良研究所 students who change their major to Meteorology, should follow this schedule as closely as possible, and consult a meteorology advisor, in addition to a general advisor, to ensure timely completion of degree requirements. Transfer students also need to confer with the Registrar's Office to determine course equivalencies from previous institutions.

Download the four-year B.S. in Meteorology degree plan (pdf).

Fall Hours
FYES 1211 First Year Experience* 2
METR 1430 Meteorology and Lab 4
ENGL 1311 Composition I 3
CHEM 1301 Chemical Principles I 3
CHEM 1101L Chemical Principles I Lab 1
MATH 1311 Pre-Calculus** 3
Total hours 16
Spring Hours
ENGL 1312 Composition II 3
CHEM 1302 Chemical Principles II 3
CHEM 1102L Chemical Principles II Lab 1
MATH 2312 Calculus I 3
Computer Programming (3 hours)*** 3
Fine Arts or other Core (3 hours) 3
Total hours 16

*Freshman and transfer students entering with less than 32 semester hours must enroll in FYES 1211, transfer students entering with greater than 32 semester hours should enroll in DWHP 1200 - Dimensions of Wellness.

**MATH 1311 requirement waived with approved transfer or examination credit.

***One of the following courses - CIS 2330 Programming I, CIS 3660 Computer Science, ENGR 2340 Computer Programming for Mathematics, Sciences and Engineering, or other approved studies.

Total hours Freshman year - 32

Fall Hours
METR 3310 Radar Meteorology or
METR 3360 Satellite Meteorology ††
PHYS 2305 Physics I (Calculus-Based) 3
PHYS 2105 Physics I Lab (Calculus-Based) 1
MATH 2313 Calculus II 3
SPAN 1311 Elementary Spanish I, or language other than English 3
ENGL 2310 World Literature Studies or other Core (3 hours) 3
Total hours 16
Spring Hours
METR 1325 Natural Hazards 3
METR 1125 Natural Hazards Lab 1
METR 1360 Climatology 3
PHYS 2306 Physics II 3
PHYS 2106 Physics II Lab 1
MATH 2314 Differential Equations 3
SPAN 1312 Elementary Spanish II, or language other than English 3
Total hours 17

Offered only in odd years
†† Offered only in even years

Total hours Sophomore year - 33 hours

Fall Hours
METR 3310 Radar Meteorology or
METR 3360 Satellite Meteorology ††
METR 3356 Synoptic Meteorology 3
MATH 3314 Calculus III (Offered only in Fall semesters) 3
MATH 33XX Advanced Elective (3 hours)** 3
PHIL 1381 Introduction to Philosophy 3
RELS 13XX Religious Studies course from core selections 3
Total hours 18
Spring Hours
METR 3320 Forecasting I 3
METR 3340 Hydrology 3
METR 3325 Thermodynamics or
METR 3335 Severe Weather
METR 3365 Atmospheric Physics or
METR 3376 Atmospheric Dynamics
RELS/PHIL 33XX or 43XX Religious Studies course from core selections* 3
PEHP Physical Education Activity (1 hour) 1
Total hours 16

Offered only in odd years
†† Offered only in even years

* Choose from approved list of core courses

** Choose from approved MATH selections

Total hours Junior year: 34

Fall Hours
METR 3330 Forecasting II 3
METR 3390 Meteorological Instrumentation 3
METR 3190 Meteorological Instrumentation Lab 1
METR 4315 Air Pollution 3
GEOL 3420 Oceanography and Lab 4
HIST 13XX World History* 3
Total hours 17
Spring Hours
METR 3325 Thermodynamics or
METR 3335 Severe Weather
METR 3365 Atmospheric Physics or
METR 3376 Atmospheric Dynamics
METR 43XX Advanced Elective (3 hours)*** 3
METR 4220 Capstone in Meteorology 2
MATH 33XX or 43XX Advanced Elective (3 hours)** 3
History and Social Science or other Core(3 hrs)* 3
Total hours 17

Offered only in odd years
†† Offered only in even years

* Choose from approved list of courses

** Choose from approved MATH selections

***Choose from the following:

Meteorology Advanced Electives
Meteorology Advanced Electives Hours
METR 4325 Climate Modeling 3
METR 4330 Micrometeorology 3
METR 4340 Precipitation Physics and Weather Modification 3
METR 4350 Workshop in Meteorology 2
METR 4390 Mesometeorology 3
METR 4371 Special Topics: Tropical Meteorology 3
METR 4371 Special Topics: Space Weather 3

Plus 45 hours of community service (non-credit)

Total hours Senior year - 33 hours

Total hours in degree program - 133 hours