不良研究所 Peace Day 2008

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Living a Culture of Life

For updated details call Campus Ministry at the 不良研究所, 829-3128.

Peace Day Events

不良研究所 Peace Day 2008
Building A Culture Of Peace In An Ever Changing World
October 29, 2008


October 14, Tuesday, 7:50 p.m. 不良研究所 Library Auditorium.
“Ethics and Fairness in Global Trade: the Role of Responsible Global Citizenship”

Considering how we as citizens should and can have a positive influence. Presentation by S. John Facey of the HEB School of Business

October 20 to November 7, "Visual Reflections on Peace and Justice"
By the Advanced Projects in Drawing course, Foyer of the Fine Arts Building

October 22, 2008 PLAY DAY FOR PEACE, 10 – 11:30 a.m.
The lawn by Dubuis Hall (in case of rain the Wellness Center) Children from several San Antonio Schools will participate at 不良研究所 in activities that promote peaceful play. Play Day for Peace is hosted by students of the 不良研究所 Dreeben School of Education under the direction of Dr. Mary Ruth Moore, an international leader in the value of play in children’s education.

Oct. 28, 6 p.m. FA B03 “Art as a Way of Creating Justice and Peace”
by Miguel Cortinas with an opportunity to view “Visual Reflections on Peace and Justice" By the Advanced Projects in Drawing course, Foyer of the Fine Arts Building

Marian Hall Ballroom and the Library Auditorium

8:45 am Opening Prayer led by Campus Ministry

9 to 10:15 am “Seeking Peace: Understanding the Heritage of Peace in America’s Military.” Why do people of faith volunteer for military service? How does America’s military reflect Catholic teachings on war and peace? What do military people do to promote peace? How do these questions relate to the unique needs of over 2000 student veterans and family members currently in our 不良研究所 community? Organized by Dr. Glenn James and the 不良研究所 Student Veterans Association.

10:30 to 11: 45 am Why Interreligious Dialogue and Peace Make Sense. Professor Simone Brown with students from World Religion and Catholic Social Teaching classes will lead a discussion with participants on how dialogue under different auspices and topics can lead to religious and cultural understanding and peace on a local and global level. This will include various aspects of Interreligious dialogue, such as political, sociological, educational, and cultural.

12 to 1:15 pm FREE LUNCH and Who Speaks for Islam? What a Billion Muslims Really Think Rolla Alaydi, MA, Dr. Roger Barnes, Dr. Mahmud Yusuf, and the moderator, Sister Martha Ann Kirk, will lead a discussion of a book based on many years of Gallup World Polls. “What are the hopes and dreams of average Muslims? What forms of government do they seek?” Join us for a soup lunch remembering foods mentioned in the Bible and Qur’an and the Holy Land Garden here at 不良研究所. These holy scriptures speak of the Creator’s gifts to be shared with all peoples. The Student Dietetics Association is generously preparing food. (If you are bringing a whole class, please give the number coming to kirk@uiwtx.edu or 829-3854 so that enough food can be prepared.)

1:30 to 2:45 pm Social and Environmental Justice in World Literature Studies organized by Dr. Matthias Schubnell and the English Department. At 不良研究所, the World Literature Studies course is informed by and focused upon social and environmental justice. This visual/verbal presentation invites the audience to consider how various authors help us explore social and environmental concerns through sight and sound.

3 to 4:15 pm Finding a Common Ground: Human Rights of Children in the World. Presented by Dr. Lopita Nath (Supervisor), Rosendo Flores, Laura Deegear, Patricia Blanquiz, Janelle Carillo, Sarah Simister. The 1945 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, with its various covenants, including the Covenant on the Rights of the Child, has advocated the protection of rights for the Children of the World. While many Western nations have attempted to adhere to these principles with things like safe car seats for children, in less privileged countries, people would not even have the luxury of riding in a car. In the developing world there are other more pressing needs: Survival. Education is a dream and a privilege only few can have. Students will present case studies of child trafficking, child Soldiers, children denied education because of Government policies and social discrimination. This will lead to a comparative analysis of situations in the US and the developing countries in order to create an understanding and awareness for rights of the “Children of the World”.

4:30 – 5:45 p.m. Conflict Transformation: Creative Responses in the Face of Suffering or Violence: Encouraging Reconciliation in Uganda shared by Sarah Gazda, Kristy Baynton, Lara Snead, Christine Grisham, and Laura Kraus. Organized by Dr. Sally Baynton.

Massive Mexican immigration or building better jobs and economy there: Examples from the Justicia Cooperative and the Coalition for Justice in the Maquiladoras shared by Gaby Canavati and others who have gone on service trips to Piedras Negras.

6 p.m. The video, The Power of Good, an inspiring story of Nicholas Winston who saved 669 Czechoslovakian children from the Nazis www.powerofgood.net with discussion based on resources from Facing History and Ourselves www.facinghistory.org. The video won the International Emmy Award in 2002. Organized by Dr. Sharon Herbers and the College Teaching class.

Exhibits: 9 am to 2 pm – Jordan Plaza (Marian Hall if rain) Non-profit and Community Service Groups and Agencies building peace through justice and service. Opportunities to sign up for community service.