Peace Day 2009: Solidarity and Collaboration

Schedule of Events

Children drawing on a tableOct. 19 to 31 "Children Creating Art, Creating Peace" An exhibit of children's creativity and compassion from ArtPeace and the Circle School, Fine Arts Building Lobby. Children in ArtPeace are involved in art exchanges with children of Rawanda and Iraq

This exhibit has glimpses of work for their festival Nov. 13-15, see ArtPeace is a project funded a grant from the San Antonio Cultural Affairs Office facilitated by Aminah Ulmer, Patsy Sasek, and Rachman Ulmer at the Church of Reconciliation. Children of the Circle School under the guidance of Terry Ramirez create many forms of art to understand compassion and they participate in Pennies for Peace which builds real peace in Afghanistan and Pakistan by building schools

Oct. 19 "What Does Silk Have to Do with Social Justice?" 10:30 - 11:30 am, Library Auditorium. Dr. Richard Peigler will speak about the various kinds of wild silks that are produced in the world. The countries include China, India, Vietnam, Cambodia, Madagascar, Ethiopia, South Africa, and Indonesia. Throughout his talk he will emphasize social justice issues as they pertain to the production and marketing of silks: child labor, fair trade, exploitation of women, conservation of rainforests, unsafe working conditions, and appreciation of indigenous cultures.

Oct. 20 "Sewing Lives Together" 6:30- 8 p.m., Library Auditorium. In 2006 members of University United Methodist Church joined with members from two other churches at Carver Community Center for a special project involving the creation of a quilt and the production of a play based on stories from the Underground Railroad. The shared experiences of quilting and rehearsing led to open discussions of race, culture and traditions. The playwright, actors, and members of the quilt circle will share their stories of reconciliation and hope. Collaborative Venture of Dr. Sharon Herbers’ College Teaching class and Dr. Jessica Kimmel’s Gender class.

QuiltOct. 21 2008 PLAY DAY FOR PEACE, 10 – 11:30 a.m. The lawn by Dubuis Hall (in case of rain the Wellness Center) Children from several San Antonio Schools will participate at 不良研究所 in activities that promote peaceful play. Play Day for Peace is hosted by students of the 不良研究所 Dreeben School of Education under the direction of Dr. Mary Ruth Moore, an international leader in the value of play in children’s education.

Oct. 21 " Taizé Prayer for Peace" 7 - 8 p.m., Our Lady's Chapel, During World War II in an effort to build reconciliation, a group offered hospitality and peaceful music and prayer in small village Taizé, France. Today thousands of young people from all over the world camp out there and build bonds of unity. The Taizé movement and chants have spread around the world both helping people find the inner peace Candles meltingwhich leads to building peace in the world and helping the disadvantaged. See and . Led by Campus Ministry and Sister Martha Ann Kirk's "Arts for Christian Worship" and "Prayer and Spirituality" classes. Followed by a reception at the "Children Creating Art, Creating Peace" Exhibit in the Fine Arts Lobby.

Oct. 27 "The Power of Art to Bring 不良研究所 Social Change", 6 to 7:15 pm, Fine Arts B03 by Miguel Cortinas.

Oct. 27 Immigration: a Critical Issue, 9 - 10:15 am Library Auditorium. Dr. Arturo Chavez, President of the Mexican American College.

Peace Day, October 28, 2009

8:45 am Opening Prayer led by Campus Ministry, Library Auditorium

9: 00 - 10:15 Library Auditorium, "Living and Minimum Wage- Challenges and Possibilities" Moderator - Simone A. Brown, Professor of Religious Studies. A panel discussion on a current topic in a RecessionEconomy focusing on wages locally, statewide and nationally with Gloria Parra from the Central Labor Council of San Antonio, Sharon De La Garza, Assistant City Manager for the City of San Antonio and Dr. Jeannine Scott, Assistant Dean of the School of Business at the 不良研究所.

10:30 - 11:45 Library Auditorium, "Race and Gender Matter...Still" by Dr. Maria Felix-Ortiz and Rev. Dr. Trevor Alexander

Simultaneous event: 10:30 am -12:00 noon "Not On Our Watch" March starting in Marian Circle. A march throughout the main campus with visuals and factual information on past and current genocides that have and still are occurring in the world. Presented by 不良研究所 STAND, the Genocide Intervention Network If you would like to be a part of this March or want information, please contact or

12 to 1 pm FREE LUNCH, Marian Hall Ballroom . "Service, Solidarity, and Collaboration," 不良研究所 TV sharing on "Meet the Mission" and their public service announcement about the SA Food Bank. A number of 不良研究所 student organizations (such as STAND) will present what service they are doing. Individuals like you and groups like us are making a difference on significant global issues. Information on the university program of the Clinton Global Initiative, "a growing community of young leaders who don't just discuss the world's challenges -- they take real, concrete steps toward solving them" shared by Jonathan Trejo-Mathys The Student Dietetics Association is generously preparing food. (If you are bringing a whole class, please give the number coming to or 829-3854 so that enough food can be prepared.)

Faith-Based War Book Cover1:30 - 2:45, Marian Hall Ballroom "Sixgun Saviors and the Invasion of Iraq" by Dr. T. Walter Herbert. A religious vision prompted the Bush White House to invade Iraq, and the American people to cheer them on. This vision merges the American myth of the frontier hero with an ancient tradition that Christ will return at the end of time as a divine enforcer, inflicting God's vengeance on human sin. The sixgun savior is a frontier hero who does the work of the avenging Christ, but he does not destroy evil at the end of time. The invasion of Iraq was envisioned as a blazing display of god-like power, ridding the world of evil, with the United States military doing the work of Christ. This vision is a perversion of Christian faith. Herbert, Emeritus Professor of English at Southwestern University, holds degrees from Harvard College, Union Theological Seminary, and Princeton University. Copies of Herbert's new book, Faith-Based War: From 9/11 to Catastrophic Victory in Iraq will be available.

3:00 - 4:15 Library Auditorium "Understanding the Refugee Crisis in South Asia: The Case of the Bhutanese/Burmese Refugees" Presented by Dr. Lopita Nath (Supervisor), Sarah Simister, Marlene Diaz, Cynthia Castro and Anthony Sanchez from the Migration Studies in Asia class, and Justin Burklow. Guests will include Bhutanese and Burmese refugees in San Antonio. Conflict induced movement of population is endemic in South Asia. Violence and coercion are the prime causes behind the creation of a footloose humanity, which in turn has led to the ethical dilemmas of exclusion, discrimination, hospitality, responsibility and, of course, the future of the civilians involved. This presentation will focus on the refugees from Bhutan and Burma. What are the main causes of their plight? After almost 17 years in refugee camps and years of negotiations by the UNHCR to repatriate the refugees back to their home countries, third country settlement became the only solution. United States and a host of other countries offered them asylum. A group of these refugees have been offered resettlement in San Antonio, Texas. How are these refugees adjusting to life in a foreign country? This presentation will also give an insight into the refugee resettlement program in San Antonio. Come and hear from some of Back from the Dead book coverthe refugees themselves…

4:30 to 5:45 Library Auditorium "The Death Penalty in Texas" A film presentation, panel discussion, and invitation to get involved. Shared by Dr. Roger Barnes, Sociology professor and board member of the Texas Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty; Rose Caldwell, president of Humane Humans: Students Against Government Executions; and Joan Cheever, the author of Back from the Dead. Sponsored by Humane Humans: Students Against Government Executions.

6:00 to 8:30 p.m. Marian Hall Ballroom  "Understanding and Coping with Severe Stress" by Jean Souza, MS, LPC, LMFT, counselor and internationally respected consultant and team builder. Souza works extensively with first-responders, police, fire fighters, and military who have gone through traumatic experiences (such as shootings, rescues, disaster recoveries, war). Not only those who have undergone severe stress, but also family and friends need to understand some of the dynamic in order to move forward.
Sponsored by the Student Veteran's Association

9:00 am – 2:00 pm – Jordan Plaza (Marian Hall if rain) EXHIBITS – Non-profit and Community Service Groups and Agencies building peace through justice and service. Opportunities to sign up for community service.


Peace Corps volunteer with children Oct. 29, 12:00 – 1:15 p.m. Library Auditorium "Peace Corps Experiences" presented by The Returned Peace Corps Volunteers of San Antonio. Graduate student Miguel Conchas along with a panel of Returned Peace Corps Volunteers (RPCVs) of San Antonio will present some of the highlights of their experiences working abroad with the Peace Corps. There will be a slideshow and time for questions and discussion as well as information on the application process.

Oct. 29, 3:00 - 4:15 p.m. Library Auditorium "Barriers Faced by Women on Parole in Bexar County" by Dr. Alison F. Whittemore. Hundreds of women return to Bexar County after years in prison, where they find limited support systems. A few common sense changes would ease re-entry for many of these women.


Oct. 30, 11:00 am – 12:00 p.m. Administration 365 "Global Service Session" by Dr. Amalia Mondriguez. Mondriguez, who earned her Ph.D in Spanish from Harvard University, and her students will make presentations in Spanish about the global service projects of the Incarnate Word community that help people on many levels in Guatemala, Mexico, Peru, Tanzania and Zambia. This session will illustrate how volunteers connected with Incarnate Word are having a truly positive impact on international development.

For information, please call Campus Ministry at the 不良研究所, 829-3128. All events are free and open to the public.