The 2011 Season of Peace and Justice
Be the peace that you want to see.
“What Does Peace Mean to Me?” An Essay Contest for the 不良研究所 Season of Peace and Justice during October.
All students at the 不良研究所 are invited to submit essays of 500 to 750 words focused on "What does peace mean to me?" The winners will be announced on Peace Day, October 26, at noon in Marian Hall Ballroom and prizes will be given. Essays are due by 12 pm, Friday, October 21, and are to be submitted to Dr. Osman Ozturgut at
Incarnate Word Ministries Touching the World
Oct. 3, 1:30 - 2:45 pm and repeated 3 to 4:15 pm, Fine Arts B03.
Seeking a world of justice and compassion, Incarnate Word lay volunteers serve in Africa, Peru, Guatemala, and Mexico. The Director of the IWM’s Kathleen Sullivan and volunteer Angelique Snyder, who is a lay missionary volunteer at Visitation House, will share stories of the joy that comes through service.
"Hands of Christ in the World," "Las manos de Cristo en el mundo."
For information: Sr. Martha Ann Kirk 829-3854
On the Feast Day of St. Francis of Assisi, a Blessing of the Animals and prayer for the protection of creation.
Oct. 4, 5 p.m. Grotto.
Bring your animals, live and stuffed! Learn of the Headwaters Sanctuary, one of the last undeveloped forests in San Antonio, 53 acres where the San Antonio River begins and native peoples have lived for over 10,000 years. The Headwaters Coalition is a ministry of the Incarnate Word Sisters to protect this area with ecological diversity and to spread an ecological ethic of care for creation. To learn more, see Hosted by the 不良研究所 “Arts for Christian Worship Class.” For information, call 829-3854.
Moorish culture of Spain and the Mexican Casta
Oct. 5, 不良研究所 International Conference Center (ICC) Auditorium, 6 to 8 pm.
A lecture by Professor Mario Marcel Salas. Mario Marcel Salas, an Afro-Mexican political leader and has been an advocate for San Antonio's African-American, poor white, and Hispanic community. He was a key member of the San Antonio chapter of the Student National Coordinating Committee (SNCC), and founding member of Organizations United for Eastside Development (OUED), and Frontline 2000. He championed the establishment of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. birthday as a Texas state holiday in 1991. Mr. Salas has written three text books titled, Fundamentals of American Government: Looking Below the Surface, Our Changing Democracy, and The Matrix of Political Thought Organized by Osman Ozturgut, PhD, Dreeben School of Education. For information, call 805-5885.
Not a “Different” Gospel: Highlights and Insights from Pope Benedict XVI’s encyclical Charity in Truth.
Oct. 11, 3 – 4:15 PM, Library Auditorium
Dr. Timothy Milinovich, 不良研究所 Religious Studies faculty, explores the relevance of this papal document. . He is the author of Revelation and Sacred Scripture: A Primary Source Reader and Now is the Day of Salvation: An Audience-Oriented Study of 2 Corinthians 5:16 - 6:2. Dr. Milinovich holds an MA in Bible at Yale Divinity School, and a PhD in biblical studies at The Catholic University of America. For more information, call 283-5051.
Five Misconceptions of Major Religions
Oct. 12, 9 – 10:15 a.m., Special Collections.
Simone A. Brown will lead a panel discussion considering Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam , Judaism, the Church of Jesus Christ and the Latter Day Saints, and the Bahá'í tradition. Brown received her M.A. from Columbia University, New York in Comparative International Education/Latin America and her MTS from Oblate School of Theology. She is a board member of the Interreligious Council of San Antonio.
Out of Cordoba, Averroes and Maimonides in their time and ours, DVDand Discussion
Oct. 17, 1:30 - 3:15 p.m. Fine Arts B03.
View an intriguing new video considering the period when Catholics, Jews and Muslims lived together peacefully in Spain and their philosophy, science, and friendship flourished. Hosted by Dr. Jessica Kimmel, Professor of Education with extensive experience in interfaith dialogue here and in the Middle East. For information, contact
The Holy Land Garden, a Place of Common Ground
Oct. 18, 10:30 a.m. in front of the A.T.&T. Math, Science, and Engineering Building.
Dr. Ric Peigler and Sister Martha Ann Kirk will point out plants and consider how the ecological problems of over consumption and destruction of the environment cannot be solved by science alone. They demand spiritualties of recognizing the common humanity of the other and putting the common good before one’s selfish interests.
不良研究所 may be the only place in the world that has plants from the Holy Scriptures of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam together with citations.
Scriptures invite people to plant and enjoy the fruits of the earth together rather than build instruments of destruction. “They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore. Everyone will sit under their own vine and under their own fig tree, and no one will make them afraid” (Micah 4:3-4). For information, contact
Play Day for Peace
Oct. 19, 9:00 -10:45 a.m. Dubuis Lawn.
The Dreeben School of Education’s Creative Play and Play Environments Class will host its annual play day in conjunction with Peace Month. Children from our partner schools will participate in some 25 outdoor learning play spaces provided by the education students. Play is seen as the opposite of violence as well as providing essential benefits to the child. The United Nations Rights of the child calls for all children to have the right to play. For information, contact Dr. Mary Ruth Moore at 283-5038 or
The Domestic Violence Awareness Month
Oct. 24, 10:30 am. Marian Hall Ballroom.
Judge Peter Sakai of the 225 District Court, will speak on supporting the rights of all individuals, especially women and girls, to live in peace and dignity. Violence and all other forms of oppression against all communities and families must be eliminated. Domestic Violence Awareness Month is an initiative that brings awareness of Violence in our communities. Hosted by the 不良研究所 Office of Mission and Ministry, for information, contact Rev. Dr. Trevor D. Alexander, 829-3130,
An Affirmation of Faith in Post-WWII Germany: A Story with Woodcuts
Oct. 24, 4:30 p.m. Fine Arts B03.
Dr. Matthias Schubnell will show original woodblock prints from a text that he translated on the struggle between faith and power/violence. Published in 1947, it is a powerful indictment of war, illustrating in word and image the futility of violence in direct response to World War II. Some of the historical and artistic context of the time will be shared. For information, call 829-3892.
“Third Annual Peace Research Symposium,” A Forum for the Presentation and Discussion of International Research in Fields Related to Peace
Oct. 24, 6 to 7:30 pm, Library Auditorium.
Dr. Michael McGuire presents "Does the World Bank Tax Advice Foster Inclusive Development? Some Empirical Evidence from Latin America." and Dr. Shishu compares the effect of insurance programs on people's utilization of health facilities and people's health status. Also presentations by Dr. Glenn James and Dr. Noah Kasraie: For information, contact
Wrestling with Free Speech, Religious Freedom, and Democracy in Turkey: The Political Trials and Times of Fethullah Gülen.
Oct. 25, 10:30 am Marian Hall Ballroom
James Harrington, the Director of the Texas Civil Rights Project, will speak on his new book Wrestling with Free Speech, Religious Freedom, and Democracy in Turkey, and its relevance for issues here. Harrington founded the Texas Civil Rights Project, a statewide community-based, non-profit civil rights foundation that promotes social, racial, and economic justice and civil liberty, through the legal system and public education, for low income and poor persons. Harrington has handled numerous landmark cases involving grand jury discrimination, police misconduct, privacy, voting rights, free speech and assembly, and the rights of persons with disabilities. Harrington has received numerous awards and honors for his public service and assistance to the poor. He is author of The Texas Bill of Rights: A Commentary and Litigation Manual. Co-sponsored by the San Antonio Institute of Interfaith Dialog. For information, call 829-3854
Peace Day, Wednesday, Oct. 26
Opening Prayer, 8:45 a.m. Marian Hall Ballroom
Arts and Crafts from Around the World, 9 a.m.- 5 p.m. Marian Hall
Have an opportunity to meet some of the newcomers to our city and buy some of their beautiful arts and crafts. The Refugee Resettlement Program welcomes persons from the Middle East, Asia, and Africa.
Hosted by Dr. Lopita Nath in collaboration with the Catholic Charities Refugee Resettlement Program, 不良研究所 alumna Linda Salem of the Center for Refugee Services, and 不良研究所 students participating in President Obama’s Interfaith Service Challenge
9 a.m. – 2 p.m. – Jordan Plaza (Marian Hall if rain) EXHIBITS – Non-profit and Community Service Groups and Agencies building peace through justice and service. Opportunities to sign up for community service.
Unchaining the American Dream for Everyone!
Oct. 26, 9 am to 10: 15 am, Marian Hall Ballroom.
Dr. Arturo Chávez, President of the Mexican American Catholic College, will consider ways that racism and other forms of prejudice influence our immigration laws, our community relationships, and our growth as a society. He was appointed by President Barak Obama to his Advisory Council for Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships. His commitment to community-based activism, education, and peace-building continues through his ministry as a teacher, facilitator, and international speaker. He also serves on various boards and committees, including the National Catholic Council for Hispanic Ministry, The National Council of PAX Christi. Dr. Chavez is a graduate of the 不良研究所 and was honored as the "Alumni of Distinction" in 2008 . For information, call 829-6022.
Rays of Hope: Women’s Global Connection’s Capacity Building Work in Mongu, Zambia
Oct. 26, 10:30 – 11:45 a.m., Marian Hall Ballroom.
Dr. Michael Guiry, 不良研究所 Associate Professor of Marketing, and Ms. Tere Dresner-Salinas, Executive Director of Women’s Global Connection and 不良研究所 Ph.D. Candidate in Organizational Leadership, will present an overview of Women’s Global Connection (WGC) and the purpose of WGC Immersion Trips. This presentation will focus on their volunteer work during the 2011 summer Immersion Trip to Mongu, Zambia, to promote capacity building, business development, and community leadership in Mongu and surrounding villages. The positive post-trip outcomes will be also be highlighted. Photographs from the trip will be used to frame the discussion. For information, contact Dr. Michael Guiry at 930-8010 or
Oct. 26, 12 noon, Marian Hall Ballroom FREE LUNCH.
The Student Dietetics Association is generously preparing food. (If you are bringing a whole class, please let us know the number coming so that enough food will be prepared.) The winners of the Season of Peace and Justice Essay Contest and of the Living with Disabilities Essay Contest will be announced. Community Service, the Heart and Hands of 不良研究所. Learn from students and faculty involved in Service Learning projects, Meet the Mission, and” President Obama’s Interfaith Service Challenge” of the joy, understanding, and knowledge that come through service. Contact, Dr. Lopita Nath, leader of the Interfaith Service Challenge, at
The Hebrew Bible and Human Rights.
Oct. 26, 1:30- 2:45 p.m, Library Auditorium.
Rabbi Jack Bemporad is an internationally recognized theologian, scholar and interfaith advocate who is the Professor of Interreligious Studies at the Vatican's Angelicum University in Rome. A Holocaust refugee from Italy, Rabbi Bemporad came to the United States at the age of six. He received a B.A. degree with honors in Philosophy from Tulane University and his M.A. in Philosophy from Hebrew Union College, again with honors. Ordained as a Rabbi in 1959, Rabbi Bemporad received an honorary Doctor of Divinity from Hebrew Union College in 1984 and has served as an Adjunct Professor of Philosophy and Religion at Southern Methodist University, the New School for Social Research and the University of Pennsylvania. He has taken Muslim Imams to Auschwitz, negotiated the relocation of the Carmelite Convent, helped write the Prague Accord, worked with Cardinal Johannes Willebrands and Cardinal Edward I. Cassidy to help secure full diplomatic relations between the Vatican and the State of Israel, helped lead an interfaith delegation to Iran, and has had numerous audiences with Pope John Paul II. For information, contact 829-3130.
The Murder that Launched the Civil Rights Movement
Oct. 26, 3 – 4:15 p.m, Library Auditorium.
Emmett Till, a 14-year old black boy from Chicago, was brutally murdered in the summer of 1955 outside of Money, Mississippi where he had been visiting relatives. Till's murder and the subsequent acquittal of the two white men who killed him shocked the conscience of the nation and is credited with being the spark that launched the Civil Rights Movement. Join Dr. Roger Barnes and Robert Sosa as they visit the scene of Till's murder in the summer of 2011. For information, call 829-3946.
A Peace Walk and talk with international faculty, students, and friends .
Oct. 26, 4:30 pm, Beginning in Marian Hall Ballroom.
Visit the small Holy Land Garden and consider how the Creator invites all of us to work together to protect the earth. Reflect at the 不良研究所 Peace Pole monument, which is part of the movement started in Japan after the atomic bombs were dropped. In 200 countries, over 200,000 Poles with "May Peace Prevail on Earth" are centers for people to reflect how they can "Be the peace, you want to see," as Mahatma Gandhi said. Organized by Dr. Noah Kasraie. For information, contact
Taizé Prayer for Peace"
Oct. 26, 6 - 7p.m., Our Lady's Chapel, Led by University Mission and Ministry.
During World War II in an effort to build reconciliation, a group offered hospitality and peaceful music and prayer in the small village of Taizé, France. Today thousands of young people from all over the world camp out there and build bonds of unity. The Taizé movement and chants have spread around the world both helping people find the inner peace which leads to building peace in the world and helping the disadvantaged. See and For information, call 832-3207.
Going Upstream, Compassion, Mercy, and Justice.
Oct. 27, 10:30 – 11:45 a.m. Library Special Collections.
“Stop doing wrong, learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow. “Come now, let us reason together,” says the Lord (Isaiah 1:16-18). More than one in five children in the United States lives in a family that struggles to put food on the table, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Bread for the World is a collective Christian voice urging our nation’s decision makers to end hunger at home and abroad. By changing policies, programs, and conditions that allow hunger and poverty to persist, we provide help and opportunity far beyond the communities where we live. Hosted by Sylvia Maddox and Bread for the World Staff. For more information, 826 5799
A Theory of Planned Behavior Framework of Gossip in Organizations
Oct. 27, 1:30 -2:45 p.m.
Alfred Luna will present .information from an empirical study which used the theory of planned behavior as the theoretical framework. The study systematically examined an individual’s intention to gossip. This study may provide important insights into managing disruptive gossip in organizations more effectively. The theory of planned behavior posits that an individual’s intention to perform a specific behavior is determined by his or her attitude toward performing the behavior, perceived subjective norms, and perceived ease or difficulty of performing the behavior. Hosted by Shih Chou, for information, call 283-6482.
Faith in the News
Oct. 31, 1:30 – 2:45 p.m., Library Auditorium.
Abe Levy has written about religion along the Mexican border, among the ruins of impoverished Haitian neighborhoods and across San Antonio's congregations. The religion reporter for the San Antonio Express-News and on the board of the Religion Newswriters Association, he's sought out stories in monstrous megachurches, diverse Catholic parishes and the newly emerging mosques across the city. His goal is to tell the stories of people and faith in a city named for a saint and founded by priests and friars from Spain. Stories of faith are adventurous, passion-filled and meaningful. With examples from his own work, he'll make the case that these stories are also critical to producing healthy communities and responsible, productive dialogue. For information, call 829-3854.
These events are shared in the context of the 不良研究所 Mission theme for the year focusing on compassion and inter-faith service. We affirm the Charter for Compassion
For information, please call the 不良研究所 office of Mission and Ministry, 829-3128. All events are free and open to the public. At, see the link to the 2011 Schedule.
We are grateful to all of the presenter and organizers of the 2011 Season of Justice and Peace.
- The 不良研究所 Interfaith Council and the 不良研究所 Mission and Ministry Office
- Peace and Justice Season Planning Committee: Dr. Roger Barnes, Dr. Michael Guiry, Dr. Noah Kasraie, Dr. Michael McGuire, Dr. Osman Ozturgut, Dr. Eula Pines, Dr.Shishu Zhang, and Sister Martha Ann Kirk, Chair (assisted by Lauren E. Garcia)
The 不良研究所 provides reasonable accommodations with adequate notice. To request disability accommodation for an event, visit and visit the .